Transforming sports competitive spirit into entrepreneurial enthusiasm – 2024 (Dalian) National Workers Football Invitational Tournament participants are full of enthusiasm

Original title: Transforming sports competitive spirit into enthusiasm for work and entrepreneurship-the employees participating in the 2024 (Dalian) National Workers’ Football Invitational Tournament are full of passion

Workers’ Daily-China Workers’ Network reporter Liu Xu correspondent Wu Qingguo

On August 13, the 2024 (Dalian) National Workers’ Football Invitational Tournament was successfully concluded in Dalian. The competition highlighted the characteristics of “workers”, creatively carried out a series of distinctive mass cultural activities, won a double harvest of sports achievements and spiritual civilization, and achieved the effect of promoting unity and communication through football. Nearly 500 participating employees from 16 teams worked closely and fought hard on the field, presenting a wonderful feast of employee football.

After returning to work, the employees and players of the participating teams were in high spirits. They all expressed that the competition demonstrated the corporate culture and spirit and effectively enhanced the cohesion of the employee team. They will transform the sports competitive spirit shown in the competition into enthusiasm for doing things and starting businesses, stand in the new era, bravely shoulder new missions, and stimulate new vitality and gather new strength for the high-quality development of the enterprise.

The Beijing Environmental Sanitation Team said that it will continue to carry forward and uphold the football culture and the spirit of football – play the role of “forward”, charge into battle and set an example; play the role of “center”, be the mainstay and stand alone; play the role of “defender”, be brave to back up and be down-to-earth; play the role of “goalkeeper”, guard the gate and defend the city’s environmental sanitation. Play the set-pieces at work well and exert force accurately. Effectively integrate the sports spirit of emphasizing teamwork and being good at communication into doing things, starting businesses and developing enterprises, continue the “Shi Chuanxiang spirit” of “preferring to be dirty alone to make thousands of families clean”, embody the good mental outlook of Beijing Environmental Sanitation people, show the spirit of never giving up, strive to win honor for Beijing, and make new contributions to national workers’ football and Beijing workers’ football.

The Jinan Energy team said that football is a sport that demonstrates the corporate spirit of teamwork and hard work. This competition has improved the physical fitness of employees, increased the popularity of Jinan Energy, and built a bridge of communication between enterprises. The championship has made all employees and the group feel excited and full of pride, and has effectively promoted the corporate spirit of Jinan Energy Group of “one network, one chess game, one heart, and one strength” in the whole society. In the future, Jinan Energy Group will continue to vigorously support and promote cultural and sports activities for grassroots employees, enrich employee cultural and sports activities, enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the employee team, promote employee unity and cooperation, let everyone think and work together, better complete the work, and accumulate energy for the sustainable and healthy development of all work of the group.

The Daqing Spirit and the Iron Man Spirit have provided an inexhaustible source of endogenous power for my country to build a manufacturing power. Generations of oil workers have injected new exemplary power and contemporary value into the Daqing Spirit with their actions. With their excellent performance and tenacious style, the Daqing Oilfield Team tempered morale in the game, won applause, recognition and respect with their civilized style of play and fighting spirit, won many honors for the company, and tried to use passion and action to show the bright business card of the oilfield on the green field. After returning to their posts, everyone was full of confidence and enthusiasm, and expressed that they would better adhere to the inheritance of the Daqing Spirit and the Iron Man Spirit, not forgetting their original aspirations and always maintaining their true colors, shouldering the important responsibility of being a good benchmark and building a century-old oilfield, and strive to beautify the oilfield business card and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development of the oilfield.

The Ningbo Zhoushan Port team said that this Dalian football trip left the best memories of each player’s life, and every appearance on the field was a highlight moment. Through the game, the positive spirit of the group’s employees was demonstrated, and the construction of the port’s corporate culture was promoted. The technical experts and front-line workers in the team strengthened communication, formed collaboration, gained recognition, and were motivated through training and competition. This recognition and motivation will surely drive port employees to draw more strength from the event, work harder, and strive for more victories and honors. The spirit of unity, cooperation, and courage to fight shown in the game will be effectively transformed into an inexhaustible driving force for promoting port construction and development. With employee football and employee sports as the medium, Ningbo Zhoushan Port will be helped to integrate into the new pattern of comprehensive opening up, serve the “Belt and Road” construction, and make new and greater contributions to accelerate the construction of a world-class modern hub port.

China Minmetals won the Best Corporate Image Award, Sports Morality Award and Best Organization Award. Player Guo Zhong, who topped the scorer list with six goals, won the best scorer of the event. In preparation for the competition, the China Minmetals Group Trade Union efficiently and orderly coordinated the Northeast Regional Enterprise Trade Union to organize employee football enthusiasts to form teams. Employees from different companies in the group quickly became one, united and helped each other, and worked hard for a common goal, effectively promoting exchanges and integration between companies, and further strengthening the original mission of “mining to serve the country and mining to strengthen the country” in the hearts of employees. Everyone said that during the game, the teams also established connections, gained friendships, deepened mutual understanding between employees and companies, and laid the foundation for further in-depth exchanges between subsequent companies. We will fully carry forward the spirit of football and craftsmanship in our work, focus on improving skills, business capabilities and professional qualities, pass on and continue the excellent corporate genes and excellent character through employee sports, and strive to build a world-class national metallurgical construction team.

The Wuliangye Group team said that this national employee football invitational tournament is not only conducive to mutual exchanges among enterprises, but also can enhance the corporate brand image, showcase their respective corporate culture, enhance the soft power of corporate employee culture, and help enterprises achieve high-quality development through participating in this event. Wuliangye Group has benefited a lot from this competition. Everyone was deeply shocked by the strong football atmosphere in Dalian, the football city. The organizing committee of the event carefully organized and guaranteed, and continuously enriched the content of the event, making this event a “World Cup” for our employees. In the future work, we will work harder to carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship, football spirit, and team spirit, improve our comprehensive quality, help enterprises face risks and challenges, build on our own advantages, and make new and greater contributions to the inheritance of the great country’s strong fragrance.



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