Transforming PR Education: Closing the Divide Between Theory and Practice

Achmad Zaky (left) and Muhammad Zulkifli (right).(MI/HO)

THE CURRICULUM of communication science education, especially in the field of Public Relations (PR), is time to be based on industry needs. Universities that have this field of study must start formulating a curriculum based on what the market demands and needs, especially business people from various sectors who need PR talents who are ready to work.

According to Southeast Asian industrial communications expert Muhammad Zulkifli, now is the time for university teaching theories to be applied in company strategies and work plans so that they are more applicable.

PR students must build a portfolio while they are still in college so that when they enter the world of work they are no longer hesitant.

“It is time for campuses and industries to collaborate and not work alone. Moreover, now that technology is developing so rapidly, the ability to adapt to technology is no longer an added value for PR graduates, but has become a primary need, especially Generative AI technology,” he said when met at the inauguration of the operational permit for Cakrawala University in Jakarta, Friday (13/9).

The founder of the SEA Insight Institute also said that many of the human resources produced by universities in the field of PR are currently not ready to work. The reason is because the demands of exam scores are prioritized over the demands of experience.

“There are many opportunities for students to intern in various projects related to public relations. No need to wait for internship assignments from campus. At the beginning of college, you can offer yourself to various PR companies for part-time work. No need to be paid, because the most important thing is the portfolio,” said Zulkifli.

Also read: World of Work, MBKM, IKU, and Curriculum Implications

Zulkifli also mentioned that the many learning platforms that are spread for free on the internet can also be used as a learning portfolio.

“The recent Coursera report is quite interesting, when in Singapore, registration for Generative AI courses increased by 815% compared to last year. If I see that the sharp increase in this neighboring country not only reflects the interest of the people there to learn technology, but also shows the efforts of industry players, governments and higher education institutions to prepare for what is called AI-ready economies,” said Zulkifli.

At the same moment, former CEO of BukaLapak and founder of Cakrawala University, Achmad Zaky, said that the curriculum formulated in the campus was based on industry needs so that students did not need to learn something irrelevant.

Also read: Facing the Industrial Era 4.0, STEAM-Based Education Produces Graduates Ready to Work

“Studying at Western Governors University as the largest supplier of ready-to-work graduates for Google, Facebook and others. Not Stanford University. The tuition is affordable and the curriculum is innovative,” he said.

The founder of the Achmad Zaky Foundation is also part of the scholarship providers for students, in addition to the GARIS Institute and the Indonesian Guided Education Foundation.

“Our students are those who have been working since they were in school, so Cakrawala is a place for them to catch up on their education. The reason for this is because they are busy helping their families,” he explained.

The presence of Cakrawala University is to support them in improving their skills so that in the future they can work in a better place with increased income. The focus is on technology and business fields that provide comprehensive learning for majors in Digital Business, Finance and Investment, Computer Science, Information Systems and Technology, and Data Science.

“There are a total of 1,067 applicants and we have selected 600 students as the first batch. Our vision is that Cakrawala can develop study programs outside of digital,” he said. (Z-1)

#Education #Curriculum #Meet #Industry

How can universities effectively bridge the gap between traditional PR education and the practical skills needed in ⁤the digital age?

Revamping the Public⁤ Relations⁢ Education Curriculum: Meeting‌ Industry Needs ​in the Digital Age

The Public ⁤Relations (PR) education curriculum is long overdue for a revamp. As the demand for industry-ready⁢ PR talents continues to grow, universities must​ reformulate their curriculum to meet ‍the evolving needs of the market. In ⁢today’s ⁣digital⁢ landscape, it’s crucial for ⁣PR students to be equipped with​ the skills and knowledge‌ that business people from various sectors require.

Industry​ Expert⁢ Insights

Southeast Asian industrial communications expert Muhammad Zulkifli emphasizes the need for universities to‍ apply theoretical teachings to company strategies and work plans. This‌ approach ​will enable‌ PR students to build a portfolio while still in college, making them more confident and⁤ job-ready‌ upon graduation. ⁣Zulkifli also stresses the importance⁢ of collaboration between ‌campuses and industries, noting that technology, particularly ⁤Generative AI, has ⁣become a ​primary requirement for PR​ graduates.

The ⁢Gap between University Education and Industry Needs

Unfortunately, many⁣ human‌ resources produced by universities in the field‌ of PR are not yet ready to ​enter the workforce. The focus on exam⁤ scores over experience has resulted in a disconnect​ between university education⁤ and industry needs. Zulkifli suggests that students take proactive steps to gain experience ⁤by ‌interning ⁤with various ‍PR ‌companies, even part-time, ⁢to build their portfolio.

Leveraging Online Learning Platforms

The abundance‌ of online learning platforms can also serve as a valuable ⁣resource for PR students. Zulkifli cites the‌ Coursera report,​ which ⁣shows a‍ significant increase in registration for Generative⁣ AI courses ⁤in Singapore. This trend not‌ only reflects the interest in learning technology⁣ but also demonstrates the efforts of⁤ industry players, governments, and ‌higher education institutions to prepare for AI-ready economies.

Cakrawala University’s Industry-Driven Approach

Achmad Zaky, former‍ CEO⁣ of BukaLapak and founder of Cakrawala University, shares his vision for a curriculum that is formulated​ based on ⁢industry needs. By doing⁢ so, ⁢students can focus on learning relevant⁣ skills and knowledge,‍ ensuring they are job-ready upon graduation. Zaky draws inspiration from Western ‌Governors University, which has successfully supplied ⁢ready-to-work graduates to ​tech giants like Google‍ and Facebook.

The Future​ of PR ⁣Education

As the world of work continues to evolve, it’s essential for ⁣PR education to adapt and respond to ‍industry ⁢needs. By bridging the gap between theoretical ​teachings‍ and practical application, ‌universities can ‍produce graduates who are not only knowledgeable but also job-ready. ⁤In today’s digital age, the ‌ability to adapt to‌ technology, particularly Generative AI, ‌is no longer an added value but a primary requirement⁢ for PR graduates.


The revamping of the PR education curriculum is⁤ long overdue. By prioritizing industry needs and leveraging⁤ online learning platforms, universities can produce graduates who⁣ are ready to take on the challenges of the digital‌ age. As Zulkifli aptly puts​ it,⁣ “It’s time for campuses and ⁣industries to collaborate and not work‍ alone.” By⁢ working together, we can create a better future for PR​ education ‍and the industry‌ as ⁤a⁢ whole.

Keywords: ‌Public Relations education, industry‌ needs, Generative ⁣AI, ⁣online​ learning​ platforms, Cakrawala University, ⁤Western Governors University, Achmad Zaky, Muhammad Zulkifli.

Meta Description: Revamp the PR education curriculum ⁣to meet industry needs in the digital ⁣age. Learn how ⁢universities can produce job-ready graduates ​by⁢ prioritizing practical application and ​leveraging online learning platforms.

Header Tags:

H1:⁢ Revamping the Public Relations Education Curriculum: Meeting Industry Needs in the Digital⁣ Age

H2: ‍Industry Expert Insights

H2: The Gap between‍ University Education and Industry Needs

H2: Leveraging Online Learning Platforms

H2: ‍Cakrawala⁣ University’s Industry-Driven Approach

‍ H2:⁣ The Future of PR Education

*​ H2:⁢ Conclusion

What are the essential skills needed for a modern PR education curriculum?

Revamping the PR Education Curriculum: Industry-Relevant Skills for the Modern Workforce

The curriculum of communication science education, particularly in the field of Public Relations (PR), is due for an overhaul. Universities offering this field of study must start formulating a curriculum that caters to industry needs, providing students with the skills and practical experience required by businesses and organizations.

According to Southeast Asian industrial communications expert Muhammad Zulkifli, it’s time for university teaching theories to be applied in company strategies and work plans, making them more applicable and relevant to the modern workforce. This emphasis on practical application is crucial, as many human resources produced by universities in the field of PR are currently not ready to work, with a focus on exam scores prioritized over experience.

Building a Portfolio and Collaborating with Industry

Zulkifli stressed the importance of PR students building a portfolio while still in college, allowing them to gain hands-on experience and be more competitive in the job market. He encouraged students to take the initiative and offer themselves to various PR companies for part-time work, even if it’s unpaid, as the most important thing is gaining experience and building a portfolio.

Moreover, Zulkifli highlighted the many learning platforms available on the internet that can be used as a learning portfolio. He cited the example of Coursera, where registration for Generative AI courses increased by 815% in Singapore, demonstrating the interest of people to learn technology and the efforts of industry players, governments, and higher education institutions to prepare for AI-ready economies.

Cakrawala University: Fostering Industry-Relevant Skills

Achmad Zaky, former CEO of BukaLapak and founder of Cakrawala University, emphasized the need for a curriculum that is formulated based on industry needs, ensuring that students don’t learn irrelevant material. Cakrawala University, with its focus on technology and business fields, provides comprehensive learning for majors in Digital Business, Finance and Investment, Computer Science, Information Systems and Technology, and Data Science.

Zaky highlighted the example of Western Governors University, which is known for providing ready-to-work graduates for top companies like Google and Facebook. He emphasized the importance of innovative and affordable tuition, making higher education more accessible to a wider range of students.

The Role of Industry Partnerships and Scholarships

Cakrawala University is supported by industry partnerships and scholarships, including the Achmad Zaky Foundation, GARIS Institute, and the Indonesian Guided Education Foundation. These partnerships aim to provide students with the necessary resources and support to develop industry-relevant skills, enhancing their employability and competitiveness in the job market.


The PR education curriculum must evolve to meet the needs of the modern workforce. By focusing on practical application, building a portfolio, and collaborating with industry, universities can provide students with the skills and experience required by businesses and organizations. Industry partnerships and scholarships can further support this effort, making higher education more accessible and effective in producing ready-to-work graduates.

Keyword List:

PR education curriculum

Industry needs

Practical application

Portfolio building

Collaborative learning

Cakrawala University

Achmad Zaky

Muhammad Zulkifli

Generative AI

Western Governors University

Industry partnerships


Workforce development

Higher education innovation

Meta Description:

Revamp the PR education curriculum to meet industry needs! Learn how Cakrawala University and industry experts are working together to provide students with practical skills and experience.

Header Tags:

H1: Revamping the PR Education Curriculum: Industry-Relevant Skills for the Modern Workforce

H2: Building a Portfolio and Collaborating with Industry

H2: Cakrawala University: Fostering Industry-Relevant Skills

H2: The Role of Industry Partnerships and Scholarships

* H2: Conclusion



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