Transforming Physiotherapy Services at ASL AT –

It strengthens the Physiotherapy of Asl At. The number of operators has risen to 47 units with 6 hirings in the last six months. Of these, 4 are linked to the decision to internalize the physiotherapy service for adults and the elderly, previously entrusted to external management.

Physiotherapy is active in Asti at the Cardinal Massaia Hospital, in Nizza at the Presidio S. Spirito, in Canelli at the municipal rest home, in Valfenera at the Zabert rest home and is part of the Complex Structure of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation directed by Giovanna Lombardi.

At Cardinal Massaia, Physiotherapists work in the acute care wards and in the Level II Rehabilitation and Long-Term Care wards, carrying out outpatient activities for adults, the elderly and children.

In the Nizza branch they take care of patients present in the CAVS (post-hospitalization care facilities) and at the Hospice; in the Canelli branch, as in Valfenera, the activity is of an outpatient nature and is aimed at adults.

The new home physiotherapy unit follows adult and elderly patients throughout the ASL At territory.

On the occasion of World Physiotherapy Day, two information stations – Tuesday 10 September at Cardinal Massaia and Thursday 12 September at Casa della Salute Canelli – brought attention to the professional figure and its role, not only in rehabilitation and therefore in the presence of acute or chronic pathologies, but increasingly in prevention and in the development of a healthy lifestyle.

A second focus was on back pain, a chronic pathology among the most widespread at all ages and extremely disabling for the life of people even young people. Here, the team of the ASL At underlines “education starting from school desks and an “active” lifestyle are essential for a preventive approach. The Physiotherapist is the competent health worker to give indications on the prevention and management of back pain: postures and gestures to avoid, indicated and non-indicated motor activities, characteristics of the bed and mattress, work stations, treatments and exercises to be carried out at home, to give some examples”.

Graduated in Physiotherapy or equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of Health, the Physiotherapist belongs to the Rehabilitation Health Professions. To practice the profession, he must be registered with the Order of Physiotherapists (OFI); to be sure to rely on a qualified operator and avoid putting your health in the hands of people without adequate training and skills, it is important that the patient checks the registration of the professional in the specific Register.

The message was relaunched by the president of the Order of Physiotherapists Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta, Sabrina Altavilla, who inaugurated the information point at Cardinal Massaia, together with the general management of the ASL. The Physiotherapists registered with the Order of Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta are currently 4336, of these 175 are residents in the province of Asti.

Within the ASL At there are 47 operators: the Physiotherapy staff, together with the Speech Therapy staff and the Neuro and Psychomotor therapists of the developmental age, belong to the Directorate of health professions led by Katia Moffa; the management is entrusted to Raffaella Marmo, head of Hospital and Territorial Rehabilitation Area Assistance, assisted by Gian Maria Monchiero, Giada Ricatto and Roberta Togliatto (Physiotherapy coordinators) and Francesca Zappa (Speech Therapist coordinator)

– ⁣How does the ASL AT ⁣enhance community ‌health through its physiotherapy services?

The Physiotherapy of ASL AT: Strengthening Services for a Healthier Community

In a significant development, the number of physiotherapy ⁢operators in ASL​ AT (Local Health ‌Authority of Asti) has ⁤risen ⁤to 47​ units, ⁤with 6 ‌new hirings in the‌ last six months. ⁢This ⁣growth is a⁢ testament to the organization’s commitment to providing high-quality healthcare services to the community. Additionally, 4 of these new ‍operators ⁣are linked to the decision to internalize the physiotherapy service for adults and the elderly, which was previously outsourced to external‌ management.

Physiotherapy Services Across ASL AT

Physiotherapy services are available‌ at various locations within ASL AT, including the Cardinal⁣ Massaia Hospital, the Presidio S.‌ Spirito in Nizza, the municipal rest home in Canelli, and the Zabert rest ⁢home in Valfenera. These services ⁣are⁢ part ​of the Complex ⁢Structure‍ of Physical Medicine ⁢and Rehabilitation directed by Giovanna ​Lombardi.

At Cardinal Massaia, physiotherapists work in acute care‍ wards ⁢and ​in the Level ⁣II Rehabilitation ⁣and ⁢Long-Term Care wards. They also‌ provide outpatient activities for adults, ⁢the elderly, and children.‌ In Nizza, physiotherapists care for patients in the CAVS (post-hospitalization care facilities) and at the ​Hospice, while in Canelli ‌and Valfenera, the focus is on outpatient ⁢services for adults.

Moreover, the new home physiotherapy unit ​provides care to adult and elderly​ patients⁤ across the ASL AT territory, ensuring that ⁣everyone has access to ‌quality physiotherapy services.

Celebrating World Physiotherapy Day

On the occasion ​of World ​Physiotherapy Day, ASL AT organized two information stations at Cardinal Massaia and Casa della Salute ‌Canelli. These events aimed ⁣to raise awareness about the importance of physiotherapy and its⁣ role in promoting a healthy lifestyle.‌ Physiotherapists from ⁤ASL AT highlighted the significance⁢ of education, starting from school desks, and⁢ an “active” ​lifestyle in preventing chronic pathologies such as back pain.

Preventing Back‌ Pain

Back ⁣pain is a chronic condition ⁣that affects people of all ages, often significantly impacting their daily lives. The ASL AT team emphasized the importance of preventing back pain through education,‍ postures, ‌and gestures that‌ avoid exacerbating the condition. Physiotherapists play a crucial role⁣ in providing guidance on prevention and management, including exercises, treatments, and​ lifestyle modifications.

The Role ⁢of ⁣Physiotherapists

Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who ⁤belong to the Rehabilitation Health Professions. ‌To practice, they must ‌hold a degree in ‌Physiotherapy ‌or‌ an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of Health and register with ⁣the Order of Physiotherapists (OFI).⁣ It is essential ⁢for patients‍ to verify ‍a physiotherapist’s registration⁣ to ensure they are relying on a qualified operator.

A Message from the⁢ Order ‌of Physiotherapists

The president of the Order of Physiotherapists Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta, Sabrina Altavilla, ⁢reiterated ‍the importance ‌of⁤ relying on qualified physiotherapists during the inauguration ‍of the information‍ point at Cardinal Massaia.⁤ The event was attended by the general management of⁢ ASL AT, reaffirming their commitment to providing high-quality physiotherapy services to the ⁤community.

By strengthening its physiotherapy services, ⁤ASL AT is taking a significant ⁣step towards improving the ⁣health and ‍well-being of the community it serves. With ‌a ‍focus on‍ prevention, education,⁤ and high-quality care, the organization is dedicated⁤ to‍ promoting a healthier ‍and happier society.

– What are the main physiotherapy services available in Asti?

The Power of Physiotherapy: Strengthening Healthcare in Asti with 47 Dedicated Operators

Physiotherapy is an essential component of modern healthcare, playing a vital role in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of various health conditions. In Asti, the number of physiotherapy operators has surged to 47 units, with six new hirings in the last six months, demonstrating the region’s commitment to providing high-quality healthcare services. This significant increase in physiotherapy professionals is largely attributed to the decision to internalize the physiotherapy service for adults and the elderly, which was previously outsourced to external management.

Physiotherapy Services in Asti: A Comprehensive Overview

Physiotherapy is currently active in several locations across Asti, including:

  1. Cardinal Massaia Hospital: Physiotherapists work in acute care wards and Level II Rehabilitation and Long-Term Care wards, providing outpatient services for adults, the elderly, and children.
  2. Nizza Presidio S. Spirito: Physiotherapists cater to patients in post-hospitalization care facilities (CAVS) and the Hospice.
  3. Canelli Municipal Rest Home: Physiotherapists provide outpatient services for adults.
  4. Valfenera Zabert Rest Home: Physiotherapists offer outpatient services for adults.
  5. Home Physiotherapy Unit: This unit follows up with adult and elderly patients throughout the ASL At territory.

Celebrating World Physiotherapy Day

On September 8, World Physiotherapy Day, two information stations were set up in Cardinal Massaia and Casa della Salute Canelli to raise awareness about the crucial role of physiotherapists in healthcare. The event highlighted the importance of physiotherapy not only in rehabilitation but also in prevention and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Focus on Back Pain Prevention and Management

Back pain is a common and debilitating condition affecting people of all ages. The ASL At team emphasized the significance of education, starting from school desks, and an active lifestyle in preventing back pain. Physiotherapists play a vital role in providing guidance on preventing and managing back pain, including postures and gestures to avoid, motor activities, bed and mattress characteristics, work stations, treatments, and exercises to be performed at home.

The Role of Physiotherapists in Healthcare

Physiotherapists are highly trained healthcare professionals who belong to the Rehabilitation Health Professions. To practice, they must be registered with the Order of Physiotherapists (OFI). It is essential for patients to verify the registration of their physiotherapist to ensure they receive care from a qualified operator.

The Importance of Qualified Physiotherapists

Sabrina Altavilla, President of the Order of Physiotherapists Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta, emphasized the importance of relying on qualified physiotherapists during the inauguration of the information point at Cardinal Massaia. There are currently 4336 physiotherapists registered with the Order of Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta, with 175 residing in the province of Asti.

ASL At’s Commitment to Physiotherapy

The ASL At has demonstrated its commitment to physiotherapy by expanding its services and increasing the number of operators. The physiotherapy staff, along with speech therapy and neuro and psychomotor therapists, are part of the Directorate of Health Professions led by Katia Moffa. Raffaella Marmo, head of Hospital and Territorial Rehabilitation Area Assistance, and Gian Maria, assistant, oversee the management of physiotherapy services.

the strengthening of physiotherapy services in Asti is a significant step forward in providing high-quality healthcare to the community. With 47 dedicated operators, the region is well-equipped to tackle various health challenges, emphasizing the importance of physiotherapy in preventive care, rehabilitation, and overall well-being.

SEO Keywords: Physiotherapy, Asti, ASL At, Cardinal Massaia Hospital, Nizza Presidio S. Spirito, Canelli Municipal Rest Home, Valfenera Zabert Rest Home, Home Physiotherapy Unit, World Physiotherapy Day, Back Pain Prevention, Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation Health Professions, Order of Physiotherapists (OFI).



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