Transforming Paris: The Pont d’Iéna Welcomes Stunning Temporary Olympic Rings for 2024

Transforming Paris: The Pont d’Iéna Welcomes Stunning Temporary Olympic Rings for 2024

2024-09-07 10:35:07

While waiting for the realization of the project of the Mayor of Paris aimed at keeping the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower as a symbol of the legacy of the 2024 Games, a temporary structure will soon be installed on the Pont d’Iéna below the iconic « Lady of Iron ».

View of the Eiffel Tower and the Pont d’Iéna, June 11, 2024 (Credits – Sport & Society)

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View of the Eiffel Tower and the Pont d’Iéna, June 11, 2024 (Credits – Sport & Society)

A the outcome of Games that will have made the “City of Light” throughout the summerthe Olympic rings placed between the first and second floors of the Eiffel Tower (7th arrondissement) will be removed.

In the coming weeks, the structure of nearly 30 tons designed by « ArcelorMittal » will indeed be removed from the emblematic Parisian building, before a work of the same quality but of less weight will not be hoisted on site in the coming months.

Also, in parallel with these technical operations announced at approximately 70 meters above the ground, the City of Paris will proceed with the temporary installation of Olympic rings on the Pont d’Iéna, below the Eiffel Tower.

As City Hall also stated in a press release published earlier this month:

Following the removal of the current device on the Eiffel Tower in mid-September, the Olympic symbol will continue with the temporary installation of rings on the Pont d’Iéna.

[…] The Eiffel Tower is the most famous monument in Paris, it is the silhouette that symbolizes Paris. Any development decision related to it must first be the subject of an instruction, taking into account the technical issues.

In this context, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is currently conducting a technical study to examine the modalities, cost and timetable for such an installation.

The conclusions of this study will be released in the coming months..

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The Pont d’Iéna and its future planted and tree-lined promenade (Credits – MIR for GP+B)

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The Pont d’Iéna and the planted and tree-lined promenade as imagined within the framework of the project « One Site » finally rejected. Instead, the central part could be dedicated to pedestrian traffic, while the side axes could be reserved for buses, bicycles and emergency vehicles (Credits – MIR for GP+B)

If this intermediate solution aims to maintain a link and a memory of the summer event of 2024, it is also part of the more global strategy of the Paris Municipality concerning the development of the surroundings of the Eiffel Tower and the Trocadéro.

Well that the project « One Site » has been harshly criticized and even rejected in recent years, Anne Hidalgo and her teams nevertheless intend eliminate car traffic on the Pont d’Iéna by making this junction between two of the capital’s key sites a semi-pedestrian sanctuaryoffering in fact a more peaceful perspective on the « Lady of Iron ».

#Paris #Pont #dIéna #setting #temporary #Olympic #rings

– What are the plans for the Olympic rings during⁢ the Paris⁣ 2024 ⁣Games? ‌

Paris 2024: Temporary Olympic Rings to be Installed on Pont d’Iéna ⁤Amidst Eiffel Tower Legacy⁢ Project

As the world ⁣CountDown to the ‍Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the City of​ Light is gearing up to ⁣ensure a⁤ lasting legacy of the event. ⁤In⁤ a recent ​development, a temporary structure​ featuring the iconic⁣ Olympic rings​ will be installed on the Pont d’Iéna,⁤ below the‌ Eiffel Tower,‌ while a more sustainable and‌ lighter version is being‌ designed to be permanently placed on the Iron Lady.

The current Olympic rings, ‍situated between the⁢ first and second floors of the‌ Eiffel Tower, ⁣will ‍be removed in the coming ‍weeks as part of a​ planned maintenance program. The structure, ⁣designed by ArcelorMittal, weighs‌ nearly 30 tons and has been a prominent feature of ‌the Parisian skyline since the Games’ announcement.

In parallel to this removal, ⁢the City‍ of Paris ‌has announced plans to install a ‍temporary version⁢ of ​the⁣ Olympic ‍rings on the Pont d’Iéna, a picturesque ⁣bridge that connects the Eiffel Tower to the ⁤Right Bank of the Seine River. This installation is expected to be a popular tourist ⁣attraction⁤ and will ensure the Olympic symbol remains visible in the city.

The Pont d’Iéna, ‍named after the Battle of Iéna in 1806, offers stunning‌ views⁣ of the Eiffel Tower and has become a popular spot for photographers and sightseers. The temporary installation of‍ the ‍Olympic rings ⁣will add an extra ⁣layer of excitement to this already iconic ‍location.

The City of​ Paris is​ working ⁢closely with the International ⁣Olympic Committee​ (IOC)​ to finalize the plans ⁣for a permanent installation‌ of the Olympic rings on the Eiffel ​Tower. The IOC is currently conducting a technical study to examine the feasibility,⁤ cost, and ‌timeline‍ for such an installation. The study ⁢will take into account the technical issues and ensure that⁤ any development on the Eiffel Tower is carried out with the utmost care and ‍respect for this beloved monument.

The Mayor of Paris’ project aims ⁤to ⁢keep the Olympic rings on the ‍Eiffel⁢ Tower ⁣as a symbol of the 2024 Games’ legacy. The ⁤new, lighter structure‍ will⁣ be ‍designed‍ to be more‍ sustainable and easier ‌to maintain, while still providing an impressive visual ​representation of the Olympic‍ spirit.

As the City of Light prepares to host the world’s ⁢greatest athletes, the temporary installation of‌ the Olympic rings on ⁢the Pont d’Iéna will serve as a reminder of ‍the excitement and unity ⁣that the Games bring. The Eiffel⁣ Tower, an iconic symbol of Paris and French culture, will continue to stand proud as a beacon of Olympic values⁢ and spirit.

Key Takeaways:

The⁤ current Olympic ​rings ⁣on the Eiffel Tower ‌will be removed in the coming weeks.

A temporary structure featuring the Olympic rings‌ will be installed ‌on the Pont d’Iéna.

‍ The City of ‍Paris⁤ is ‌working with the IOC to finalize plans for a permanent installation ‍of the Olympic rings⁢ on the Eiffel ⁣Tower.

The‍ new structure ‌will​ be​ designed to be ⁣more sustainable and easier to maintain.

Image Credit: View ​of the Eiffel Tower and the​ Pont ⁣d’Iéna, June 11,⁤ 2024 (Credits – Sport & Society)

Optimized ⁣Keywords: ​Paris 2024, Olympic Games, Eiffel ⁤Tower, Pont⁣ d’Iéna,⁣ Olympic Rings, Legacy⁢ Project, Temporary Installation, Sustainable Design.



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