Transforming Indonesia’s Presidential Advisory Council Through Rotational Leadership

Presidential Advisory Council of the Republic of Indonesia Can Be Held in Rotation”/>

Illustration of a meeting at the Indonesian House of Representatives (Medcom/Fachri)

THE Legislative Body (Baleg) of the House of Representatives (DPR) and the government agreed that the position of chairman of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) of the Republic of Indonesia can be held in rotation. This was agreed upon in a meeting of the Working Committee (Panja) for the Revision of Law Number 19 of 2006 concerning Wantimpres.

Initially, the meeting discussed the Problem Inventory List (DIM) number 24 paragraph 2. The government proposed that the clause be changed so that the chairman of the Wantimpres could be held alternately by existing members.

“So the chairman of the Wantimpres does not automatically serve for five years. It can be held alternately, of course after being appointed by the President,” said Minister of PAN-RB Abdullah Azwar Anas in the Baleg Meeting Room, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/9).

Then, the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Supratman Andi Agtas said the government’s proposal only followed the presidential system.

“From the DPR draft, the determination of the chairman and if possible, there is a deputy chairman, and the following, including the number of members is submitted to the president. So it would be better if the chairman is determined by the president, but it is also possible for it to be held alternately,” explained Supratman.

In response, Deputy Chairman of the DPR Baleg Achmad Baidowi asked the meeting participants whether the government’s proposal could be approved or not. All participants agreed.

“The government proposes that the chairman be held in turns. Like organizations, there are indeed rotating chairmen, the leader is the president, for example, the coordinator is rotating. Do you agree with the government’s proposal? Will it be approved?” said Awiek. (P-5)

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What⁢ are the benefits of a rotating chairmanship in Indonesia’s Presidential Advisory Council?

Here is a comprehensive ⁢and SEO-optimized ⁣article ⁢based on ⁤the provided content:

Indonesia’s Presidential Advisory Council to Have Rotating Chairmanship

In ⁤a significant development, the Indonesian government and the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the House of Representatives (DPR) have reached an agreement​ to introduce a rotating chairmanship for the ‍Presidential ⁢Advisory Council (Wantimpres) ​of the Republic of⁢ Indonesia. ‌This decision was made⁢ during a ​meeting of the Working‌ Committee (Panja) for the​ Revision ⁢of ⁤Law Number 19 of 2006 concerning Wantimpres.

Background and Context

The meeting, held at the Parliament Complex⁣ in Senayan, Jakarta, focused on discussing the Problem Inventory List ‌(DIM)‌ number 24 paragraph 2. The government proposed an‌ amendment to the clause, allowing ⁢for the chairman of the Wantimpres to be held alternately by‌ existing members. This move​ marks⁤ a significant shift ​from the current system, where the chairman serves for a ‌fixed term of⁤ five​ years.

Government’s ⁣Proposal

Minister of PAN-RB Abdullah Azwar Anas explained that ⁣the rotating chairmanship would enable the chairman of the Wantimpres ‍to be ⁣appointed by the ⁤President, but ⁣not necessarily serve‌ for‍ the full five-year term. “So the chairman of the Wantimpres does⁤ not automatically serve for five years.⁣ It can be held alternately, of course after being appointed‍ by the President,” Anas stated.

Support from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights

The Minister of Law and Human ⁣Rights (Menkumham), Supratman Andi Agtas, echoes the government’s proposal, emphasizing that it aligns with the presidential system. “From the DPR draft, the determination of the chairman and if possible, there is ‍a deputy chairman, and the following, including the number of members⁤ is submitted to the President. So ‍it ‌would be ‌better if the chairman is determined by the‍ President,‍ but it is also possible to​ have a ​rotating chairmanship,” Agtas said.

Implications and Benefits

The introduction of a rotating chairmanship for the Presidential Advisory Council​ is expected to bring several⁣ benefits. Firstly, ​it will⁤ allow for fresh perspectives and ideas ⁣to be brought to the table, as different⁣ members take ‍on the chairman role. Secondly, it will promote a more ​collaborative and inclusive approach ​to decision-making, as members will need to⁢ work together ⁤and consensus-building.


the ​agreement between the government and ‍the Legislative Body to introduce a rotating chairmanship for the ‍Presidential Advisory Council ⁣marks a significant⁢ development ‍in Indonesia’s governance structure. By allowing for a rotating ⁢chairmanship, the country can foster a more collaborative, inclusive, and⁣ effective decision-making‍ process. As Indonesia continues ‍to navigate the ⁣complexities of governance, this development is ‌expected to have⁤ a positive ​impact on‌ the country’s growth ‌and development.

SEO Keywords: Presidential⁣ Advisory Council, Wantimpres, Indonesia, Governance, Rotating Chairmanship, Baleg, DPR,‌ Parliament ‌Complex, Senayan, ⁤Jakarta.

Meta Description: Learn about the latest development in ⁣Indonesia’s governance structure, where ‍the Presidential⁤ Advisory Council will have a‌ rotating chairmanship, promoting collaboration and inclusivity in decision-making.

Header Tags:

H1: Indonesia’s Presidential Advisory Council to Have⁤ Rotating‍ Chairmanship

H2: Background⁣ and Context

H2: Government’s Proposal

H2: Support from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights

H2: ⁤Implications and Benefits

H1: Conclusion

What is the significance of the rotating chairmanship in Indonesia’s Presidential Advisory Council?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article based on the provided content:

Indonesia’s Presidential Advisory Council to Have Rotating Chairmanship

In a significant development, the Indonesian government and the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the House of Representatives (DPR) have reached an agreement to introduce a rotating chairmanship for the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) of the Republic of Indonesia. This decision was made during a meeting of the Working Committee (Panja) for the Revision of Law Number 19 of 2006 concerning Wantimpres.

Background and Context

The meeting, held at the Parliament Complex in Senayan, Jakarta, focused on discussing the Problem Inventory List (DIM) number 24 paragraph 2. The government proposed an amendment to the clause, allowing for the chairman of the Wantimpres to be held alternately by existing members. This move marks a significant shift from the current system, where the chairman serves for a fixed term of five years.

Government’s Proposal

Minister of PAN-R



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