Transforming Health Awareness: How an Innovative Game Captivated Over 300,000 Young People in Ivory Coast

GENEVA, Switzerland, September 9, 2024 /African Media Agency (AMA)/- Four weeks before the kick-off of the Africa Cup of Nations football tournament, everything had to be done. José Fardon, an Ivorian web designer and digital developer, had his entire team working frantically on a special edition of an interactive game on health and HIV, called “A l’Assaut du Sida” (AADS), to coincide with the tournament.

The UNAIDS team had secured funding for the latest version of the online game and had brought UNICEF and the Global Fund on board.

“We had launched several versions of the game in the past, but this one needed a different look to fit the sporting event,” said Mr. Fardon, founder of SYL.

They also had to receive final approval from the National AIDS Control Program (PNLS).

“Among the many initiatives that were proposed ahead of the CAN, the online application really appealed to us because we knew it would not only reach the target audience but also have an impact,” said Eboi Ehui, PNLS Coordination Director. “This is a generation that has never seen the ravages of AIDS and therefore feels that it is not a problem, but it is.

The success exceeded all expectations.

The 20,000 tournament volunteers recruited by the Ministry of Youth Affairs not only played the game online, but also fanned out into stadiums to promote the game by sharing the QR code with hundreds of thousands of fans. And with the many prizes offered during and after the tournament, more and more people downloaded the app to play. Since mid-January 2024, AADS has reached nearly 200,000 teenagers and young people, with the latest version reaching a large number of young boys and men (in total, the three versions have reached nearly 300,000 people).

“When I think back, this idea started in 2016 as a tool for schools, then it was launched at the Francophone Games a year later, but now we’ve really brought it to the general public,” Fardon said. “I’m very proud that we never gave up.”

His determination impressed more than one person.

In eight years, he has convinced UNAIDS staff, the country’s Ministry of Health in close collaboration with the PNLS, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Youth and countless partners on the ground.

UNAIDS Country Director Henk Van Renterghem, like his predecessors, saw the value and potential of using digital technology to reach adolescents and young people. “General knowledge about HIV and comprehensive sexuality education has declined and young people are faced with so many choices that this easy-to-download game is definitely relevant,” he said.

In July 2023, he explained, the National AIDS Council was alerted by the results of a survey and asked HIV partners to intensify their communication and education efforts.

“Although young people have more access than ever to information through the internet and social media, many of them struggle to make informed decisions about their sexual relationships,” said Mr Van Renterghem. For example, the survey found that only 40% of young people knew that HIV medications (antiretroviral treatments) existed and 39% of girls (29% of boys) did not know that condoms prevent HIV transmission. Last year, 20% of new HIV infections in the country were among 15-24 year olds, according to government data.

As a result, UNAIDS staff, in collaboration with SYL, verified and increased the number of questions covering prevention information.

He and his team were particularly pleased because they also managed to expand the reach of the content.

Added to this was the fact that HIV-positive people on effective treatment can achieve an undetectable viral load and cannot transmit the virus (U=U), as well as information on stigma and discrimination, human rights, gender equality and gender-based violence, which are all structural drivers of HIV.

The full 400-question game is quiz-like with additional information popping up. Players score points by progressing through 40 rounds of ten questions. At least seven correct answers are required to advance to the next level. It can take up to an hour to reach the final round. When the updated pilot was tested in October and November 2023, young people responded well.

Two of the top-scoring young players agree.

“The game taught me a lot. There is a lot of information about HIV and sexually transmitted diseases,” said Marie Koffi. As for Wilfried Touré, he said: “I learned a lot of things that I had no idea about, from tuberculosis to HIV, and even on a personal level, I learned things.”

The national partners now want to distribute a school version of the game to all schools in Côte d’Ivoire.

At the final awards ceremony in late March, Ivorian Health Minister Pierre Dimba was clear. “This online game, which is both fun and educational, is a response to young people’s need for true and accurate information via social media,” he said. “The popularity of this game among teenagers proves that adapting our communication strategies to the habits and needs of young people is paying off.”

For Mr. Van Renterghem, Ivory Coast can be proud.

“This low-cost national tool will help us sustain our HIV prevention efforts as international funding inevitably declines.”

This is partly why Mr Fardon and his UN partners are dreaming even bigger.

“We would like to launch the app-based game in neighbouring countries and eventually expand it across West and Central Africa,” he said.

“The sky is the limit.”

Distributed by African Media Agency pour ON HIM.

Source : African Media Agency (AMA)

2024-09-09 08:04:58
#Interactive #game #health #HIV #reaches #young #people #Ivory #Coast #

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ADS Group, ⁣Go Ads Africa, and Ads/Africa are examples of companies that are driving digital innovation in Africa. With their commitment to providing innovative solutions, these companies are poised to make a significant⁣ impact in the African market. ‍As digital innovation continues to evolve and grow, it is ​likely to play an increasingly important role in driving progress and improvement in Africa.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title: **The Game-Changing HIV Awareness App: “A l’Assaut du Sida”**:

The Game-Changing HIV Awareness App: “A l’Assaut du Sida”

HIV awareness and education are crucial in the fight against the disease, particularly among young people. In recent years, the world has seen a decline in comprehensive sexuality education, making it essential to find innovative ways to reach adolescents and young adults. This is where “A l’Assaut du Sida” (AADS), an interactive game developed by UNAIDS, comes in.

The Concept

AADS is a quiz-like game that aims to educate young people about HIV prevention, treatment, and awareness. The game is designed to be engaging, with 400 questions covering various aspects of HIV, including prevention information, stigma and discrimination, human rights, gender equality, and gender-based violence



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