Transforming Agriculture: The Ministry of Agriculture’s Commitment to Digital Innovation

Agricultural Sector“/>
Inauguration of the Growtech Jakarta and ProPak Indonesia exhibition. (Special Doc)

Expert Staff of the Minister for Agricultural Infrastructure of the Ministry of Agriculture Ali Jamil said that the agricultural sector is the main focus of the government in maintaining national food security. The increase in the food budget in the 2025 RAPBN to Rp124.4 trillion shows the government’s commitment and support for food productivity.

He said this when opening Growtech Jakarta and ProPak Indonesia, an integrated industry exhibition that presents agricultural technology solutions as well as international-scale processing and packaging at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Wednesday (4/9). “The presence of Growtech Jakarta is expected to help overcome challenges such as climate change and the need for modern agricultural technology,” said Ali.

He added that the digital ecosystem is a determinant of food security and Smart Farming 4.0 is the right strategy to face the challenges of the agricultural industry today. “An integrated agricultural system based on digital technology can increase efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in the production process, while providing competitive advantages for agricultural industry players,” he explained.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report shows that climate change has the potential to increase crop damage by up to 20% in agricultural areas by 2050.

Meanwhile, the World Resources Institute (WRI) estimates that world food production needs to increase by 100% to meet the needs of more than 9 billion people in the world that year. “Therefore, Smart Farming 4.0 is a key solution in facing this challenge,” said Ali.

The Growtech Jakarta and ProPak exhibition held by Pamerindo Indonesia carries the concept of From Farm to Table and runs until September 6. This exhibition is the main platform for industry players to meet, share knowledge, and establish partnerships.

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Event Director of PT Pamerindo Indonesia Meysia Stephannie emphasized that this integrated industrial exhibition not only provides insight into the latest technology, but also practical solutions that can be directly adopted by industry players to increase industrial competitiveness.

“This exhibition supports the sustainability of the industry with technology that can extend product shelf life (safe life) and reduce environmental impact,” said Meysia.

On that occasion, the General Chairperson of the Agricultural Tools and Machinery Association (Alsintani) Mindo Sianipar added that a number of interesting technological innovations were present at this integrated industrial exhibition.

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Among them are the Drone Sprayer exhibited by Alsintani, Paper Packaging Maker from PT Hagihara Westjava Industries, and PT Lami Packaging which displayed the first aseptic packaging without aluminum.

“The collaboration between sprayer and drone technology allows spraying to be done faster and more precisely, thereby increasing the efficiency of the agricultural process,” he explained.

Alsintani also, he said, is committed to continuing to support the efforts of each member in increasing the level of agricultural mechanization by collaborating agricultural tools and machines with the latest technology.

“This integrated industry exhibition can provide a picture of the future of agricultural technology in Indonesia that will bring a new era of efficiency and sustainability,” Mindo concluded. (Ant/N-2)

#Ministry #Agriculture #Committed #Implementing #Digitalization #Technology #Agricultural #Sector

How does the Growtech Jakarta and ​ProPak Indonesia‌ exhibition contribute‍ to⁢ the digitalization of agriculture in Indonesia?

Embracing Digitalization in ‌Agriculture: Growtech Jakarta and ProPak Indonesia⁤ Exhibition

The agricultural ⁣sector is ⁢a crucial component of ⁢national food security, and the⁤ Indonesian​ government has reiterated its commitment to ​supporting food productivity. To this ⁤end, the Ministry of ​Agriculture⁤ has increased the food budget in the ⁢2025 RAPBN to Rp124.4‍ trillion, demonstrating its commitment to⁤ enhancing the ​sector’s competitiveness.

Recently,​ the⁢ Growtech Jakarta and ProPak Indonesia exhibition was held at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, from⁢ September 4 to ⁤6. The event, organized by ⁤Pamerindo‌ Indonesia [[2]], brought together industry players, experts, ‍and stakeholders to share knowledge, showcase innovative technologies, and establish partnerships. The exhibition’s ​concept, “From Farm⁣ to Table,” highlighted the importance of integrating ⁣agricultural technology⁢ solutions with international-scale processing and ⁤packaging.

Smart Farming 4.0: The⁤ Key to Overcoming Climate Change Challenges

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change⁣ (IPCC) ​report, climate change has the potential to increase crop‌ damage by up to⁤ 20% in agricultural⁤ areas by 2050. ‌Meanwhile, the World Resources Institute (WRI) estimates ⁤that world food production needs to increase by 100% to meet the needs of ‌more than 9 billion people by 2050. To address‌ these ‌challenges, the Indonesian ⁤government is advocating for the adoption of Smart Farming 4.0, an integrated agricultural ⁢system based ‌on digital technology.

Expert ⁢Insights and Technological‌ Innovations

The Growtech Jakarta and ProPak ​Indonesia‌ exhibition featured various innovative technologies, including the⁢ Drone Sprayer exhibited by Alsintani, Paper Packaging Maker ⁣from ⁢PT Hagihara Westjava ⁣Industries, and PT​ Lami Packaging’s aseptic packaging without aluminum. Event Director of PT Pamerindo ‌Indonesia, Meysia Stephannie, emphasized that the exhibition not only provided insight into ‍the latest ​technology⁣ but also practical solutions that can ‍be directly adopted by industry players to increase industrial competitiveness.

Growtech Jakarta: Your Gateway to Southeast Asia’s Agricultural Sector

Growtech Jakarta [[1]] ‌ is​ a premier exhibition‍ that offers​ manufacturers and suppliers access to producers and‍ buyers‍ in the agricultural sector of Southeast Asia. The event is ​an essential platform for industry players ‍to network, share​ knowledge, and establish partnerships.


The Growtech⁣ Jakarta and ProPak Indonesia exhibition serves as a ​catalyst for the ‍growth of the agricultural sector in Indonesia and beyond. By embracing ⁣digitalization and ⁣innovative technologies, the sector can overcome the challenges posed by climate change, increase efficiency, productivity,​ and⁣ sustainability,⁢ and ultimately ensure national ⁢food‌ security.‌ As the​ agricultural sector continues to evolve, events like Growtech​ Jakarta and ProPak ⁤Indonesia will play a vital role in shaping the future ‍of smart farming ​in Indonesia.

How is digitalization transforming agricultural practices in Indonesia, particularly through exhibitions like Growtech Jakarta and ProPak Indonesia?

Embracing Digitalization in Agriculture: Growtech Jakarta and ProPak Indonesia Exhibition

The agricultural sector is a crucial component of national food security, and the Indonesian government has reiterated its commitment to supporting food productivity. To this end, the Ministry of Agriculture has increased the food budget in the 2025 RAPBN to Rp124.4 trillion



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