Transformative Court Decision Poised to Affect 50,000 Retirement Plans

The first decision comes from the Council of State (Council of State), which cancels the recalculation of notary public pensions by the Legal Fund.

The Council of Ministers with its decision 1228/2024 (A’ section 7 members), published on September 3, 2024, cancels a ministerial decision of 2021 (F.11321/οικ10772/382/9.3.2021 of the Deputy Minister of Labor P. Tsakloglou) according to part that defines the pensionable salary for the recalculation of the pensions of notaries the amount of 1,232.09 euros.

With these salaries, however, all the pensions of the Legal Fund were recalculated, whether the pensioners had higher salaries than 1,232 euros or less. Those who had less received increases, but those who paid higher contributions – such as notaries – the recalculation led to a smaller pension and a personal difference that cut them and the increases of 2023 and 2024.

The second decision is from the Administrative Court of First Instance of Athens ((A7960/2024 – 4the Three-member) which cancels the pension recalculation of a retired self-employed engineer of TSMEDE, as here lower pensionable earnings were taken into account for the calculation of the pension from the Special Supplement branch. Specifically, Law 4387/2016 (“Katrougalou” law) states that the pension from the Special Supplement branch is calculated based on the pensionable earnings from the additional contributions paid by the insured. However, after the law, the circular F.80000/ok.9187/183/2018 was issued by the then Deputy Minister T. Petropoulos, which defined a different calculation of the pension from the Special Surcharge which was favorable for salaried engineers and unfavorable for the self-employed professionals. The circular changed the law and defined as the basis for calculating the pension from the Special Surcharge the pensionable salary taken into account for the calculation of the main compensatory pension, instead of the earnings corresponding to the additional contributions paid by the insured to the Special Surcharge.

This method benefited the salaried engineers because they had higher earnings, but it harmed the self-employed because the pension from the Special Surcharge was higher if the contributions they had paid in this sector were taken into account than from the calculation provided by the Petropoulos circular and based on pensionable earnings which for the self-employed were smaller than for the wage earners.

The decision vindicates a TSMEDE pensioner and cancels the F.80000/oik.9187/183/2018 decision, as the pension received by the pensioner in question who left in 2018 was calculated in terms of the Special Supplement with lower earnings than those corresponding to the contributions which he had paid to the Special Surcharge branch. The pensioner had paid 36 years and 11 months of contributions to the main pension branch and 33 years and 11 months (in parallel) to the Special Supplement branch. The pension he received came to 1,241 euros (national 384 euros, retributive 698.89 euros and 158 was a personal difference), while if the Special Supplement was calculated with the contributions he had paid for the 33 years and 11 months in the industry, the pension would it was about 500 euros higher.

The two decisions open the issue of a new recalculation for approximately 50,000 ETAA pensioners, i.e. pensioners of the TSMEDE, the Health Care Fund (TSAW) and the Legal Fund, and the matter is already the concern of the Ministry of Labor, as it will have to comply with the court decisions by improving those pensions were recalculated in a more unfavorable way for pensioners and keeping the pensions of those that will not change at the same levels. However, as legal circles pointed out to “ET”, if the ministry proceeds with a universal recalculation, reductions may also occur for many new pensioners, especially from the category of salaried engineers. In these cases, the same sources said, either a new personal difference should be paid, or the most favorable calculation for the pensioners should be provided so that the higher pension continues to be paid.

What Bourlos and Apostolidis say to “ET”

The two decisions are commented on with statements by the two labor experts – insurance experts explaining what they mean for pensioners

The lawyer Dimitris Bourlos refers to the decision of the Supreme Court, saying that it is a “particularly important decision in relation to the recalculation of pensions of pensioners such as notaries, doctors, engineers and lawyers to the extent that the recalculation was not related to the contributions they had paid”.

The lawyer Loukas Apostolidis (whose office succeeded in issuing the decision of the Court of First Instance), after stating that the Petropoulos circular was judged to be “pseudo-interpretive” and illegal, calls on the ministry to proceed with a new regulation in order to remove the injustices for self-employed retired engineers affected by the calculation of the Special Surcharge, without prejudice to the pensionary emoluments received by the salaried retired engineers in the public and private sectors, which should be maintained at the same amounts as they are currently receiving.

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