Transformations in Military Strategies After Sheinbaum’s Key Appointments

Transformations in Military Strategies After Sheinbaum’s Key Appointments

MEXICO CITY.— The future holders of the Ministry of Defense and of the Marina They generated mixed opinions among the military, who revealed details of their history.

According to Peniley Ramírez, the arrival of Ricardo Trevilla Trejo to the Sedena is better viewed than that of Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles to the Navy.

In her column this week, the journalist recalls the death of two students at the hands of the military, a case whose communication strategy was handled by Trevilla Trejo, who was a spokesperson for the Sedena.

Below are excerpts from the article published yesterday in national media.

On March 18, 2010, students Jorge Mercado and Javier Arredondo left the Tec de Monterrey campus in Monterrey to have dinner. They died shortly after when they were murdered.

Soldiers planted weapons and drugs on them to make it look like they were criminals.

The National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) was concerned about the version spread by the military from Nuevo León that Jorge and Javier were hitmen.

They soon realized that it would be difficult to sustain the lie. The family and the Tec would not allow it. The military made a practical decision: to exonerate the commanders, allow the investigation and “sacrifice” the low-ranking officers who committed the crime.

And the one who approved this pragmatic decision was Ricardo Trevilla Trejo, then general director of Social Communication of Sedena and who will now be the next head of the Army in the government of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo.

During his long military career, those who have known Trevilla describe him as a practical, discreet, highly intelligent and polyglot man.

He made good contacts as Mexico’s military attaché in Germany.

In the federal government, he is believed to be the military officer who best understands the violence in the country today, thanks to his most recent position as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the National Defense. Before that, he was commander in Piedras Negras and Apatzingán.

“Military sources told me that Trevilla seems to be the most independent candidate. He has the recognition of active and retired commanders,” wrote journalist Peniley. They also celebrate the fact that he has not been in charge of any presidential megaproject.

Expectations are more worrying in the Navy, as Claudia Sheinbaum appointed Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles, a Naval Sciences engineer, as its new head.

Unlike his colleague at Sedena, his career is more modest. As for achievements, sources value that he was the deputy naval attaché at the embassy in the United States, where he managed relations with the American security agencies.


What is worrying in the military sector is that he does not come from an Undersecretary, the Chief of Staff, the Head of the General Staff or the Command of a naval region, as usually happens in these appointments. His most recent position was as general director of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.— Megamedia

#Contrasts #Army #Sheinbaums #appointments
2024-09-14 07:30:18

– What are⁣ the primary concerns regarding the appointment of Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles as the head of the Navy in Mexico?

Mixed Reactions Among Military as New Heads of Ministry⁣ of Defense ‍and Navy are Appointed in Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico – The recent appointments of Ricardo Trevilla​ Trejo ​as the head‌ of the Ministry of Defense (Sedena) and Raymundo Pedro‍ Morales Ángeles as ⁣the⁤ head of the Navy ‍have generated mixed opinions among the military⁣ community. The two ​individuals, with distinct backgrounds and histories, have raised eyebrows among those familiar ⁢with their past actions and decisions.

Ricardo Trevilla Trejo: A Practical and Discreet Leader

Ricardo Trevilla Trejo, the incoming head of the Ministry of Defense, has been described as a practical,‍ discreet, highly intelligent, ⁤and polyglot individual. His military‌ career has been marked ‍by notable achievements, including his role as Mexico’s military attaché in ⁢Germany, where he established valuable⁣ connections. ‌Trevilla has also been praised for his ⁤understanding of the current violence in Mexico, thanks to his positions as head of the Joint ⁢Chiefs of Staff of ‌the National Defense⁣ and ‌commander in Piedras Negras ‌and Apatzingán.

However, Trevilla’s past has not been without controversy. In ⁢2010, he was involved in ⁢a communications strategy that sought to cover up the deaths of two ⁣students, Jorge Mercado and Javier Arredondo,​ who were murdered by ⁢soldiers in Monterrey. ⁤The soldiers had planted weapons and drugs on ‍the students to⁢ make them appear ⁣as criminals.‌ Trevilla’s​ role in the incident has raised concerns among some, ⁢who question his ability to lead the ‍Ministry of Defense.

Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles: A‌ Cause for Concern

In‍ contrast, the appointment ‌of Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles as the head of the Navy has generated more worry among the military community. ‍Morales Ángeles, a Naval Sciences‌ engineer, lacks the experience and reputation of​ Trevilla, according to some sources. His appointment has been met with skepticism, ​with some questioning his ability to effectively ‍lead the Navy.

Mixed Expectations

Journalist Peniley Ramírez has noted that Trevilla’s⁤ appointment⁢ has been better received​ than that of Morales Ángeles. Ramírez writes‍ that military sources consider Trevilla to be⁤ the most independent candidate, ‍with the recognition of active and retired commanders. However, the expectations⁢ surrounding Morales Ángeles’ appointment are ‍more worrying, ​with some fearing that his lack of experience ‍will hinder his ability to effectively​ lead ⁤the Navy.

A‍ New Era for ‍Mexico’s Military

The appointments of Trevilla and Morales ‌Ángeles mark ‌a new era for ​Mexico’s military, as the country continues to grapple with issues ​of violence and security. While Trevilla’s experience‍ and reputation offer some hope for ‍positive change, Morales​ Ángeles’ appointment has raised⁢ concerns about the‌ direction of the Navy.

As Mexico looks to the future, the ​leadership of its military institutions will play a critical ‍role in shaping ​the country’s⁣ security landscape. The appointments of Trevilla ⁢and Morales Ángeles will be closely watched, as⁤ the country eagerly awaits signs of positive change and improvement in‌ the country’s security situation.

Optimized Keywords:

Ministry of ⁢Defense


Ricardo Trevilla Trejo

Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles

Mexico ‍City

Military leadership

Security in Mexico

⁤Ministry of Defense appointment

Navy appointment

Mexico’s military ⁤community

Meta⁣ Description:

Learn more about the mixed reactions among Mexico’s military community to the appointments of Ricardo Trevilla Trejo as head of the Ministry of‍ Defense and Raymundo⁤ Pedro Morales Ángeles as head ​of the ⁤Navy.

What factors have contributed to the mixed opinions regarding the appointments of Mexico’s new Ministry of Defense and Navy chiefs?

Mexico’s New Ministry of Defense and Navy Chiefs: A Mixed Bag of Opinions

In a recent development, Mexico City has announced the appointment of Ricardo Trevilla Trejo as the head of the Ministry of Defense and Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles as the head of the Navy. While Trevilla’s appointment has been met with a relatively positive response from the military, Morales Ángeles’ appointment has raised concerns among many.

Ricardo Trevilla Trejo: A Pragmatic Leader

Trevilla Trejo, a seasoned military officer, has been described by those who know him as a practical, discreet, highly intelligent, and polyglot individual. His extensive military career has equipped him with a deep understanding of the complexities of violence in Mexico, making him a suitable candidate for the role. As Mexico’s military attaché in Germany, Trevilla Trejo built strong contacts, and his experience as the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the National Defense has given him a unique perspective on the country’s security challenges.

One of the most significant factors contributing to Trevilla Trejo’s positive reception is his role in handling the communication strategy during a high-profile case in 2010, where two students were killed by soldiers who then planted weapons and drugs on them to make it appear as if they were criminals. Trevilla Trejo’s pragmatic decision to exonerate the commanders and allow the investigation to proceed earned him recognition among his peers.

Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles: A Cause for Concern

In contrast, Morales Ángeles’ appointment has raised concerns among many in the military sector. Unlike Trevilla Trejo, Morales Ángeles’ career is considered more modest, and his lack of experience in key positions such as Undersecretary, Chief of Staff, Head of the General Staff, or Command of a naval region has raised eyebrows.

Primary Concerns Regarding Morales Ángeles’ Appointment

So, what are the primary concerns regarding the appointment of Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles as the head of the Navy in Mexico?

Lack of experience in key positions: Morales Ángeles’ lack of experience in critical positions within the Navy has raised concerns about his ability to lead the Navy effectively.

Unclear qualifications: Morales Ángeles’ background as a Naval Sciences engineer and his stint as deputy naval attaché at the embassy in the United States may not be sufficient to justify his appointment as the head of the Navy.

* Unknown quantity: Morales Ángeles is relatively unknown within the military sector, making it challenging for many to assess his capabilities and potential as a leader.


The appointment of Ricardo Trevilla Trejo as the head of the Ministry of Defense has been met with a relatively positive response, thanks to his extensive experience and pragmatic approach. However, the appointment of Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles as the head of the Navy has raised concerns among many in the military sector, who question his lack of experience and unclear qualifications. As Mexico navigates the complex landscape of security challenges, the performance of these two leaders will be closely watched.

Keywords: Mexico, Ministry of Defense, Navy, Ricardo Trevilla Trejo, Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles, Security Challenges, Military Sector.



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