Transfer of municipal management

2023-05-26 10:53:59

Erika Acosta*

The moment of Transfer of Municipal Management is highly significant in the institutional life of a municipality; since the responsibilities regarding the economic, financial and legal issues that fall on the outgoing Mayor, will be assumed by a new management.

In this act, the “Management Transfer Act” will be embodied by means of a public document, made up of all the information and documentation referring to the status of the municipal coffers.

The quality and quantity of information previously collected and formalized at this time will allow the incoming mayor to have clear and concrete knowledge, facilitating the possibility of rapidly advancing in the implementation of the proposed electoral platform, taking into account that The first ninety days of a management are vital for its subsequent development.

On the other hand, the mayor who ceases his functions allows him to reliably demonstrate the specific state in which he delivers his management, guaranteeing the transparency that determines his function.

In general, in the municipalities of our province, said moment lacks specific regulations, which makes it difficult to achieve and leaves it up to the good will of the outgoing and incoming authorities. Undoubtedly, this regulation would overcome specific difficulties in its preparation, and would settle a debt with society, which in these times requires clarity, transparency and the application of “good governance practices”, which result in clear and concrete information on the economic situation, financial and legal of the municipal administration.

This aspect that symbolizes an essential document for the continuity of the management, transparency and a value of high democratic significance is currently on the institutional agenda of the municipalities, which is why together with Cr. Juan Rios (former President of ALTEC) and adhering to the initiative of the Argentine Governance Network, which studies and promotes good practices such as the one indicated, we are working in order to contribute technically in this regard and promote a standard and regulated methodology for its implementation.

In this way and only by way of illustration, I quote some information to take into account when planning the Municipal Management Transmission Process:

-Formalize a political person in charge of the incoming government who leads the transfer of management, and who, together with a technical-political team, diagrams and defines all the information to be requested from the outgoing management.

-Formally finalize the agreement between the incoming and outgoing government.

Once this preliminary stage is completed, begin the process of collecting the following information:

-Release the structure of the organization, current regulations, procedure manuals, information on personnel, organizational charts, jobs, career plans, administrative procedures, etc.

-In terms of Resources and Expenses, Economic and Financial. General Account or Municipal Balance of the last financial year, approved Budget, Budget Executions at the date of the transfer, financial statement, counting of funds and values, etc.

-Report on the state of Debts, loans, state of national, provincial and/or any other organization.

-Information technology, data, systems, equipment and facilities, being considered strategic assets for the organization, due to the information registered and protected, being configured as public documents.

-Inventories of municipal assets, registrations, cancellations, valuation, charges, location and status of the same, etc…

-Outsourced services such as maintenance of public spaces, waste collection, tax collection, expiration of contracts that exceed the date of the management change, etc.

-Investment projects in infrastructure and public works in the process of execution or projection, among other significant works.

– Trials in which the municipality is a party, plaintiff or defendant.

-Reports on Credits, survey of current Tax Ordinance, etc.

The detail is merely illustrative, and that the Transfer of Management in an orderly, transparent manner and reliably communicated to the company is a tool that allows transparency to municipal administrative efforts, in compliance with the responsibilities that correspond to it as elected and outgoing authorities to those who exercise the electoral will.

*Accountant (former president of the Court of Accounts of the Province of RN)

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