A heartwarming story of community spirit and generosity is blossoming in tramore. The O’Driscoll family embarked on a mission to create hundreds of woolly gonks, their handmade creations aimed at raising much-needed funds for Juniors for Juniors, a local charity dedicated to supporting children in Waterford.
“We set out making 40 gonks,” Molly’s mother shared. “But the project quickly took on a life of its own. We ended up creating over 200!”
Young Molly diligently transformed balls of wool into adorable gonks at the kitchen table. Her brother, Fionn, displayed remarkable generosity by donating all of his tooth fairy money to the cause, and both children contributed their hard-earned pocket money to the fundraising pot.
The O’Driscolls joined fellow supporters at the Juniors for Juniors Teddy Bear hospital last Saturday at SETU.This special event allowed children to bring their beloved teddy bears for checkups and a day of fun.
Juniors for Juniors is on the cusp of opening a new sensory room in the pediatric ward at University Hospital waterford. This vital resource will provide a calming and engaging environment for young patients. The entire project, including mobile resources, is estimated to cost €30,000.
Joe Daly from juniors for juniors, speaking at SETU, expressed his sincere gratitude for the O’Driscolls’ contribution. “The support from families like the O’Driscolls is what truly fuels our mission,” he said. “Their efforts embody the personal and community-focused heart of Juniors for Juniors.”
Tramore Family’s Gonk-Making Project raises Funds for Juniors for Juniors
Interview with Anne O’Driscoll
Anne O’Driscoll, mother of molly and Fionn, shares her family’s heartwarming story of supporting Juniors for Juniors thru a campaign involving handmade woolly gonks.
Archyde News:
Anne, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. Your family has been making headlines in Tramore for your incredible gonk-making initiative. Can you tell us how this project came about?
Anne O’Driscoll:
It was actually Molly’s idea! She’s always been artistic and crafty, and we were looking for a way to support Juniors for Juniors, a charity close to our hearts. we decided to try making a few woolly gonks to sell as a fundraiser.We initially set out to make 40 gonks, but it quickly grew from there.Everyone was so enthusiastic, we ended up creating over 200!
Archyde News:
It sounds like a labor of love! How did Molly and Fionn contribute to the fundraising effort?
anne O’Driscoll:
molly spent countless hours at the kitchen table transforming balls of wool into adorable gonks. It was amazing to see her so dedicated to the project. Fionn, being just five years old, wanted to help too. He even donated all of his tooth fairy money! Both the children added their hard-earned pocket money to the fundraising pot.
archyde News:
What an inspiring story of selflessness from both Molly and Fionn!
Anne O’Driscoll:
They were truly driven by the passion to help. they understand that children at the Junior’s for Juniors hospital need our support, and they wanted to make a difference.
Archyde News:Last Saturday, the atmosphere at SETU was buzzing with excitement as Juniors for Juniors hosted their Teddy Bear Hospital event. Anne O’Driscoll, who participated in the event, shared her experience, calling it “a marvelous day filled with joy and laughter.” Seeing the children interact with their beloved teddy bears and the dedicated volunteers truly warmed her heart.Knowing that their contributions, including handcrafted gonks, raised funds for the association made the day even more special for O’Driscoll.
The event was more than just a fun day out. Juniors for Juniors is dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of children in the paediatric ward. Their commitment to creating a new sensory room for the ward demonstrates their dedication to providing a calming and engaging space for children during their hospital stays.”I believe this sensory room will be a game-changer for the children in the paediatric ward,” O’Driscoll expressed. “It will provide a calming and engaging space for them to relax and enjoy, especially during stressful hospital visits. We are so proud to have played even a small part in making this happen.”
O’Driscoll emphasizes the power of collective action, saying, “Even the smallest act of kindness can have a profound impact.Whether it’s crafting a gonk, donating a few euros, or simply spreading awareness, every effort helps to create a better world for those in need.” Her words resonate with the spirit of the event and the larger mission of Juniors for Juniors – that even small contributions can make a world of difference.
How did the Tramore family’s gonk-making project raise funds for Juniors for Juniors?
Tramore Family’s Gonk-Making Project Raises Funds for Juniors for Juniors
Interview with Anne O’Driscoll
anne O’Driscoll, mother of Molly and fionn, shares her family’s heartwarming story of supporting Juniors for Juniors through a campaign involving handmade woolly gonks.
Archyde News:
Anne, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. Your family has been making headlines in Tramore for your incredible gonk-making initiative. Can you tell us how this project came about?
Anne O’Driscoll:
It was actually Molly’s idea! She’s always been artistic and crafty, and we were looking for a way to support Juniors for Juniors, a charity close to our hearts. We decided to try making a few woolly gonks to sell as a fundraiser. We initially set out to make 40 gonks, but it quickly grew from there. everyone was so keen; we ended up creating over 200!
Archyde News:
It sounds like a labor of love! How did Molly and Fionn contribute to the fundraising effort?
anne O’Driscoll:
Molly spent countless hours at the kitchen table transforming balls of wool into adorable gonks. it was amazing to see her so dedicated to the project. Fionn, being just five years old, wanted to help too. He even donated all of his tooth fairy money! Both the children added their hard-earned pocket money to the fundraising pot.
Archyde News:
What an inspiring story of selflessness from both Molly and Fionn!
Anne O’Driscoll:
They were truly driven by the passion to help. They understand that children at the Junior’s for Juniors hospital need our support, and they wanted to make a difference.
Archyde News:
Last Saturday, the atmosphere at SETU was buzzing with excitement as Juniors for Juniors hosted their Teddy Bear Hospital event. Anne O’Driscoll, who participated in the event, shared her experience, calling it “a marvelous day filled with joy and laughter.” Seeing the children interact with their beloved teddy bears and the dedicated volunteers truly warmed her heart. knowing that their contributions, including handcrafted gonks, raised funds for the association made the day even more special for O’Driscoll.The event was more than just a fun day out. Juniors for Juniors is dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of children in the paediatric ward. Their commitment to creating a new sensory room for the ward demonstrates their dedication to providing a calming and engaging space for children during their hospital stays. “I believe this sensory room will be a game-changer for the children in the paediatric ward,” O’Driscoll expressed. “It will provide a calming and engaging space for them to relax and enjoy, especially during stressful hospital visits. We are so proud to have played even a small part in making this happen.” O’Driscoll emphasizes the power of collective action,saying,”Even the smallest act of kindness can have a profound impact. Whether it’s crafting a gonk, donating a few euros, or simply spreading awareness, every effort helps to create a better world for those in need.” Her words resonate with the spirit of the event and the larger mission of Juniors for Juniors – that even small contributions can make a world of difference.