2023-11-14 00:00:00
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Materials and methods
1. Case study
An agroecological technical innovation: cocoa agroforestry on savannahs (AFCS)
An agroecological organizational innovation: the Etso Mbong SPG
2. Data collection and analysis method
Data collection
Data analysis: story, chronogram and characterization of SSI
1. Cocoa agroforestry on savannahs
1930-2002: experimentation and propagation
2003-2014: research intervention
2014-2022: resumption of public policies and institutionalization of the cocoa sector
2. The participatory guarantee system for AB Etso Mbong
2013-2015: informal awareness and training
2016-2018: formal awareness and initiation
2019-2020: implementation
2021-2022: Institutionalization and replication
3. Cross-views of the dynamics of IAE and the role of SSI
1. Communities and civil society mainly support the emergence of AEIs
2. Political recognition and external funding determine the provision of specific SSIs
3. The macro-institutional context structures the sequencing of IAE processes
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The current challenges of transforming agriculture in developing countries (DCs) relating to food security, climate change and population growth make it necessary for the emergence of agroecological innovations (AEIs) (Altieri, 2002; HLPE, 2019; Wezel et al., 2020). We define AEI as a process by which a novelty that increases the sustainability of the agroecosystem and other parts of the food system is designed and implemented by actors in a given geographic context.
The study of agricultural innovations in economics is operationalized by the agricultural innovation systems analysis (AIS) framework (Touzard et al., 2015). The SIA framework characterizes innovations as processes and places the role of actors at the center (Touzard et al., 2015), thus breaking with diffusionist frameworks. Recent literature identifies “supplementary services” as a factor in the development of agricultural innovation processes within SIAs…
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Paper reference
Nawalyath Soulé AdamLudovic TempleSyndhia Mathé et Genowefa Blundo Canto, “Trajectories and support services for agroecological innovations in a developing country”, Rural economy386 | 2023, 45-66.
Electronic reference
Nawalyath Soulé AdamLudovic TempleSyndhia Mathé et Genowefa Blundo Canto, “Trajectories and support services for agroecological innovations in a developing country”, Rural economy [En ligne], 386 | October-December 2023, posted online on January 5, 2025consulted the November 18, 2023. URL : DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/economierurale.12041
Nawalyath Soulé Adam
Institut Agro, UMR Innovation, Montpellier, France ; [email protected]
Ludovic Temple
Institut Agro, UMR Innovation, Montpellier, France [email protected]
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Syndia Mathé
Institut Agro, UMR Innovation, CSIR-STEPRI, Accra, Ghana ; [email protected]
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Genowefa Blundo Canto
Institut Agro, UMR Innovation, Montpellier, France, [email protected]
#Trajectories #support #services #agroecological #innovations #developing #country