Training Challenges: Bathing Before or After? A Story of Nairo Alexander Quintana

2023-11-26 23:22:00

“To bathe or not to bathe before training?” I asked and following a smile a “not to bathe normally” was heard.

From the mountains of Boyacá to the plateau of Mesa de los Santos, a story from the perspective of the most successful Latin American cyclist in history, Nairo Alexander Quintana.

He climbed with sacrifice and determination, the effort of years was regarding to be rewarded. At the last bend, he looked back, his only companion was an escort car. He formed a slight smile with his lips and, seconds later, he lowered his head, moved his hands away from the handlebars, kissed them and with the satisfaction of having fulfilled his duty, raised them to mark his name in the eternity of the Tour de France.

Just as Antonio Nariño and Camilo Torres celebrated July 20, 1810 with the cry of independence, more than one Colombian celebrated 203 years later, when a peasant, barely 23 years old, established himself as the best young man and the king of the mountain of the most prestigious cycling competition in the world. A memory that marks the ephemerality of the triumph between adrenaline and passion and that in the experiences of the ‘Cóndor’ of Cómbita marks what was the happiest day of his life.

Son of Eloisa Rojas and Luis Quintana, he grew up in a family of farmers dedicated to the trade of agricultural products. His life has been full of anecdotes, most of them linked to a steel horse. He had his first contact with a velocipede at the age of 15, when with his own efforts, that of his father and his brothers, he was able to buy and learn to ride a bicycle, at an age in which, for many, it is advanced for an athlete. , but for which in this case the saying fully applies: it is better late than never.

That little boy who helped his parents with the work in the fields and who with discipline forged his identity, never imagined that 18 years later, despite not having had “a positive influencer” in his childhood, he would have the opportunity to live thousands of adventures in which he has left his name embodied as one of the best in the history of the sport of cranks and pedals with pleasant memories. Just like when he kissed the ‘Senza Fine’ of the Giro d’Italia in pink and wore red in the Vuelta a España.

Whoever believed that that same boy at the beginning of his career asked the Santander Cycling League for help to allow him to defend the ‘anthills’ colors, but due to lack of resources it was not possible; However, in the Perla del Fonce (cycling race held in San Gil), he shone with his own light in search of sponsors.

The sadness of Efraín Guevara, then president of the highest entity that governs the discipline in the Department, was felt from that time, since he himself witnessed the conditions of the runner, who from a very young age managed to surpass big names in the national peloton. such as Hernán Buenahora and Israel ‘El Rápido’ Ochoa, among others.

How not to feel “tied” if the only thing Nairo asked for was an aid of 500 thousand pesos, but there was none because “we received a League that was not very solvent,” the leader once mentioned to this editorial team.

And although the ‘beetle’ accepts that at that time he never thought regarding competing in the World Tour because in his head he only wanted to “be able to become a professional and win a race with a Colombian team”, his greatest triumph has not been on the professional side, if not on the personal side.

out of focus

The life of a cyclist is surrounded by sacrifices, efforts, falls, scrapes and, regardless of the position within the team or the level of competition it has, daily struggle and discipline are the keys to success.

Nairo Quintana looks shy and introverted, but behind that figure, there is a person with a heart full of nobility, affectionate and fun, who does not miss a minute to joke or simply talk.

“We are next to the best cyclist in Colombia,” mentions a woman while Nairo prepares to take a photo with a group of followers at the Café Mesa in Los Santos, following having stopped her busy schedule for a minute to take a breath. If they ask for a photo or an autograph, he tries to give it, despite the harassment from the people. As it is said in whispers: “a man in a hat and ruana, the runner is a true star.”

Proof of that is this story, built in the middle of a trip from the Mesa de los Santos to Bucaramanga with the historic Colombian, who among the shadows of the infinite curves of Santander, together with his team, did not hesitate for a second to allow us to accompany him on her car to be able to serve us, although with a laugh she noted “it is the first time that a journalist gets into my car to interview me.”

While the Winter Olympic Games were taking place in Russia in February 2014, Quintana left the Movistar Team concentration to travel to Colombia to accompany his wife at the birth of their first daughter, Mariana. Years later, the company of his second son, Tómas, would arrive, who together with Paola, his wife, are the great driving force of his life.

As a human being with a heart dedicated to his family, his loved ones and always thinking regarding helping someone, doing, building, and above all teaching, this is how the national rider describes himself.

Characteristics that go hand in hand with his essence, the one that he revealed on the same journey, when he realized that a car had its back door open. “Sir, keep the door open,” Nairo shouted following having told his brother that he should approach the other car so he might warn her. Immediately the driver reacted and with a shocked face told his companion: “that’s Nairo Quintana.” Then he whistled and shouted: “Thank you.”

Teaching his children to be and build through play, conversations, good food, good coffee and good energy, are some of Quintana’s most important purposes.

And just as in many Colombian families, the father dreams that his children will follow in his footsteps; Although laughing he confessed that since they were born he bought them their bicycles, but that he did not catch their attention; However, although Mariana and Tómas practice different sports such as soccer, karate and also do activities related to music, in recent months they have begun to get closer to cycling.

“I hope they pedal hard like their dad,” says Nairo, who, although he keeps that wish with great longing in his heart, also made it clear that in the end his ‘offspring’ will do what really fills them with happiness.

His legacy

Triumphs do not come easily as seen in the photos, points out the runner, who whenever he has the opportunity highlights the importance of working with children and young people, since today “there are many distractions that put limits on dreams.”

Therefore, from his role in society, Nairo always tries to find a space to help build those goals. Like on the followingnoon in Santander when he set out with Unicef ​​to visit the Mesa de Jeridas school, where he played with hundreds of kids who enjoyed that moment.

Signing autographs with a big smile, this is how Nairo said goodbye to those who came to the educational institution, thinking regarding the indelible mark he has left on people and that same hope he hopes to continue making his mark.

Just as he managed to triumph in the L’Alpe D’Huez, Nairo emerged victorious in the most difficult race at a professional level, the one he faced in 2023 and which at times was full of endless storms.

A new stage will begin in 2024, a year in which he hopes to enjoy, once once more, one of the things that fill him most with happiness and in which he will once once more wear the uniform that once saw him at the top of cycling. world championship, that of the Movistar Team.

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