Train crash on line 3 of the CDMX Metro, live | Latest news and news of the accident, live

Director of Operations of the CDMX Metro is dismissed

After the death of a person as a result of the collision of two trains on line 3 of the capital Metro that left a balance of 106 people injured, The head of Government of Mexico City reported that she requested the immediate removal of the official in order to carry out the pertinent investigations to find out the causes of what happened, since the Prosecutor’s Office has taken the case and after a first analysis ruled out that failures had occurred in the Central Control Post.

During the conference, Guillermo Calderón, General Director of the Metro Collective Transport System, announced the dismissal of the Deputy Director of Operations to meet the request of the Head of Government and that the case be carefully reviewed, likewise, no person was appointed to replace the post; “I have asked the deputy director of Operations to retire from his position and in the afternoon we will inform the person who will occupy this position”he explained.

The general director of the capital’s Metro assured that up to now the Control Center has no faults, he recalled that it operates from the C5 and that it was recently modernized. “No, no failure, the system is operating punctually, it was modernized and is operating from the C5, its function is to regulate traffic between trains, it is one of the elements that has been provided to carry out the corresponding analysis”, assured.

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