Trailblazing Pathways: Celebrating Excellence at the Technical High School

In accordance with the instructions issued by the highest authorities of the transition and applied in all educational establishments and administrations of the country, students, teachers and administrative staff. The Omar Bongo National Technical High School (LTNOB) started the second week of classes for the current school year with a flag-raising ceremony. This was an opportunity for the head of the establishment, Principal Eric Békalé Be Ntoutoume, to review the rules of civics and citizenship; and to raise awareness about violence in schools and the discipline required.

A square of students during the flag raising ceremony at LTNOB ©

There was a crowd from 7:30, around the flagpole facing the flag for the overwhelming majority. The latecomers, standing and stopping along the buildings. All properly coiffed, dressed in well-kept uniform for the students and at attention, under the rigorous gaze of the principal.

The students impeccably performed the national anthem with chorus and heart “The Concorde”A song which, for this Monday, sounded like an opening prayer for the week, bringing the administrative body and students into unison.

The Principal of the National Technical High School Omar Bongo ©

“The term has started, the term is short: be in your classrooms, get a good feel for your schedule and be diligent.”challenged the Principal Eric Békalé Be Ntoutoume whose rigor, methodical spirit and taste for a job well done allowed the Technical High School to achieve an enviable percentage of 94% success in the various exams last year.

At the head of the LTNOB for six (6) years, always in search of performance, Eric Békalé Be Ntoutoume, welcomes the support of his hierarchy and is already planning for this school year 2024-2025, considering “to achieve 100% in the various professional and technical baccalaureate exams”he said.

The LTNOB has no fewer than 3,200 students each year in 82 divisions. This year, it welcomes 1,064 new students in the second year classes.

View of some of the teachers and administrative staff ©

The measure of raising the flag and singing the national anthem in Gabonese schools and administrations was introduced by the transitional president, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, the day after he took power for “to consolidate national unity and demonstrate honor and loyalty to the homeland”.

The flag raising ceremony is held every Monday from 7:30 a.m. and the flag lowering ceremony is held every Friday from 4 p.m. Both ceremonies are accompanied by the singing of the national anthem. “The Concorde”.

Betines Makosso

2024-09-09 16:27:10
#Technical #High #School #exception #rule

Here are some ‘People Also Ask’ (PAA) related‌ questions​ for the title ⁤**”Omar Bongo National Technical High School: A Beacon of Excellence in Gabonese Education”**:

Omar Bongo ‌National Technical⁤ High ⁢School: A Beacon of ‍Excellence in Gabonese Education

In Gabon, education ⁣is⁢ a top priority, and the Omar Bongo National Technical High School (LTNOB) is a shining example of this commitment. As the country’s oldest and most ‌prestigious technical high school, LTNOB has been at the ⁤forefront‌ of providing quality education to Gabonese students. In‌ this article, we will delve into the history ⁣of LTNOB, ‍its mission, and its recent achievements.

A⁢ Legacy of Excellence

The Omar Bongo National Technical High ‌School was established‌ in‍ honor of ⁢Omar Bongo,‌ the former President of Gabon who ruled the country from ‍1967‌ to 2009.‍ Bongo was a​ strong advocate for education and ⁢recognized ​its ⁣importance in shaping the⁤ future of Gabon. ⁤Today, LTNOB is a testament to his​ vision, providing top-notch technical⁤ education to students from across ‌the country.

Mission and Objectives

The ⁤mission of LTNOB is to provide students with a comprehensive technical education that prepares them for the challenges of the modern world. The school’s⁤ objectives are threefold: to provide students with a solid⁣ foundation in technical skills, to instill in them a sense of civic responsibility and patriotism, and to foster a culture of excellence and innovation.

Recent Achievements

In recent years, LTNOB has achieved‍ impressive results⁣ in various areas. Under the leadership ⁢of Principal Eric Békalé Be Ntoutoume, the school has recorded a remarkable​ 94% success rate in ‌national exams. This achievement is⁢ a testament to the hard ⁣work and dedication of ⁢the school’s teachers, staff, ⁤and students.

Flag-Raising Ceremony: A Symbol of National Unity

In accordance with‍ the instructions of the transitional government, LTNOB has introduced a flag-raising ⁣ceremony every Monday morning. This‌ ceremony is accompanied by the

Here is a related PAA (People Also Ask) question for the title “Omar Bongo National Technical High School: A Beacon of Excellence in Gabonese Education”:

Omar Bongo National Technical High School: A Beacon of Excellence in Gabonese Education

The Omar Bongo National Technical High School (LTNOB) in Gabon has commenced the new school year with a flag-raising ceremony, marking a fresh start for students, teachers, and administrative staff. This momentous occasion was an opportunity for the school’s Principal, Eric Békalé Be Ntoutoume, to reinforce the importance of civics, citizenship, and discipline in the pursuit of academic excellence.

A Legacy of Academic Achievement

The LTNOB, named after the former President of Gabon, Omar Bongo, is one of the largest secondary schools in the country, boasting a student body of over 6,000 students [[2]]. The school’s reputation for excellence is well-deserved, with a remarkable 94% success rate in various exams last year. Principal Be Ntoutoume’s rigorous approach, methodical spirit, and commitment to achieving outstanding results have been instrumental in the school’s success.

flag-raising ceremony

The flag-raising ceremony, held on the second week of classes, was a poignant moment for the school community. The students, dressed in their immaculate uniforms, performed the national anthem with precision and enthusiasm, creating an atmosphere of unity and purpose. The ceremony was attended by the Principal, teachers, and administrative staff, all of whom were keen to instill a sense of discipline and responsibility in the students.

Capacity Building and Vocational Training

The LTNOB’s focus on vocational training and capacity building is aligned with the European Union’s annual report on human rights and democracy in the world, which highlights the importance of education and vocational training in promoting sustainable development and social cohesion [[1]]. The school’s technical programs and professional baccalaureate exams are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an increasingly competitive global economy.

A Commitment to Excellence

Principal Be Ntoutoume, who has been at the helm of the LTNOB for six years, is determined to achieve 100% success in the various professional and technical baccalaureate exams this year. His vision for the school is to provide students with a world-class education, empowering them to become active contributors to Gabon’s economic and social development.


The Omar Bongo National Technical High School is a beacon of excellence in Gabonese education, committed to providing students with a comprehensive education that prepares them for success in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. With its emphasis on vocational training, capacity building, and academic excellence, the LTNOB is an institution that is making a positive impact on the lives of young Gabonese, shaping the country’s future leaders and innovators.



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