Tragic Turn of Events: Farmer Endures Horrific Ordeal in Rethymnon

EL.AS is on its feet. in Rethymnon to identify the perpetrator or perpetrators of the armed attack on the 70-year-old farmer.
According to information from, the authorities identified the armed man, through video footage that captured his car parked outside the scene of the shootings.

This is a family member who had property disputes with the victim, who has not been identified and is being sought by the police.

“My father now at this moment, they “sat” him now over there, I found him. He had been shot at least twice and his tongue was also cut. Because he was shouting, he tells me “I was shouting and they cut out my tongue. From there and after he was transported with my mother over here in the ambulance, he lost consciousness. I didn’t… I didn’t contact my father again. My father is currently in critical condition. He called me. From when it happened after five minutes he called me,” said his son.

Rethymnon: The attack on the farmer’s son

At the same time, new revelations about the case are coming to light, as it is not improbable that it is about settling scores, since the victim and his son had property disputes with another family in the village, while the son has also been attacked with a caustic liquid in the past and has been the victim of a beating.

As reported by the local website there were warning messages to the farmer, after he had found the tires of his farm car torn several times, while the same report notes that the police have already identified the perpetrators, who even allegedly identified their principal and moral perpetrator of the attack, who also according to local media he is already in custody.

As the 26-year-old son of the farmer who received 5 bullets in the morning says, even today, the eye problem from the caustic liquid attack remains “I’m still not well. I’m out of the hospital. I have a problem with my eye, I can’t see normally.”

His own nightmare unfolded on July 31 last year. That morning, as he was getting out of his car, he was attacked with a caustic liquid. With the police making arrests and 3 people remaining in custody.

“Two strangers on a scooter, their facial features were covered by the helmets they were wearing. As soon as I parked to go to work, one of them threw an unknown type of caustic liquid on my face and they injured me,” described the victim of the attack.

The police begin to sweep the wider area and get their hands on images from security cameras. In a series of them, the two perpetrators are spotted moving on a scooter and approaching the scene of the attack. The bag with the caustic liquid is held by the young man sitting behind the driver.

It was he, as he confessed to the police, who threw the acid on the 26-year-old as soon as he saw him get out of the car. In the successive questions of the police, he had talked about an agreement that would make him 1,000 euros richer. He had photographed a fellow villager of the 26-year-old, with whom, it seems, there were property disputes.

What the defendants claimed to the police

“In the last few months, a fellow villager of the victim approached me and asked me for 1,000 euros to find one more person and throw caustic liquid on the victim. He told me they had personal differences,” the defendants reportedly told police.

Cameras from cafes, from homes and businesses in Rethymnon, recorded frame by frame the movements of the natural perpetrators of the attack that morning, with their victim being taken to a hospital. The two perpetrators are located, arrested and their homes are searched. “During a search of his home, the clothing of the depicted perpetrator who drives the SCOOTER type motorcycle in question was found and confiscated, specifically the short-sleeved shirt, the camouflage type Bermuda shorts as well as the helmets of both the driver and the passenger of the motorcycle.”

However, before a month was completed, since the arrests, unknown persons set up a death ambush on the 69-year-old farmer, father of the 26-year-old.

“I have nothing to do with the attack”

The Live News broadcast also contacted the family accused of being the moral perpetrator of the attack on the 26-year-old. Specifically, a 40-year-old man has been arrested by the authorities, where he told MEGA: “I don’t know any of my co-accused. They are lying that I paid them to do this attack. I have absolutely no difference with the victim. The civil dispute involves my father and an aunt of the victim. Know that all the decisions that have been issued to date are in favor of my father, so I have every reason to be satisfied with the development. The victim’s aunt is the one who is continuing the case and has filed a lawsuit against my father. It is inconceivable that I would have any kind of motive to intimidate or cause physical harm to her nephew after we have won the courts. I have no involvement in this.”

Crete: The chronicle of the savage attack on Rethymnon

Everything happened this morning (06.09.2024) with the victim in a critical condition, as he has received according to the first information shots to the limbs and abdomen. The 70-year-old man from Rethymnon was found covered in blood in a warehouse located near the livestock unit by his son and he immediately notified EKAV and the police authorities.

ELAS men rushed to the scene and immediately began investigations in order to identify the perpetrators of the murderous act. According to information, in addition to the injuries to his body from the bullets, the 70-year-old has a cut tongue without having been determined whether it is from his fall or from some other factor.

According to information, unknown men wearing hoods were waiting for their victim inside his livestock unit on Friday morning and as soon as he entered they shot him. The 70-year-old, still conscious, called his son who rushed to the scene and found him in a bad condition. The man was taken to the Rethymnon hospital with multiple injuries and his condition is described as extremely critical.

On Friday night, it was decided to transfer him to a special unit of the University Hospital of Heraklion. According to ERT Chania, the multi-injured man has, among other things, a wound in an artery in his leg, while the wound in his spine is also very serious, with the doctors of the Rethymno hospital, including a vascular surgeon, deciding to transfer him to PAGNI.

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#Rethymnon #Disgust #torture #farmer #set #death #sentence #Unbelievable #brutality



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