Tragic Surgical Mistake Results in Patient’s Death in U.S. Liver Operation

Tragic Surgical Mistake Results in Patient’s Death in U.S. Liver Operation

WORLD.- A Alabama man who traveled with his wife to Florida and underwent surgery for unexpected abdominal pain, died after he They mistakenly removed the liver instead of the basis.

William BryanThe 70-year-old traveled with his wife to Walton County in northwest Florida, where he began to feel severe pain in the left side of his abdomen and went to Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Hospital.

Over there He was advised to remove his spleenan operation that, despite Bryan being reluctant to undergo at that local hospital, he finally agreed to, but died in the operating roomFlorida media reported.

Tragic Surgical Mistake Results in Patient’s Death in U.S. Liver Operation

The intervention, performed on August 31 by the surgeon Thomas Shaknovskyconsisted of a laparoscopic splenectomybut the specialist removed the liver instead of the spleen and also cut an artery that supplies blood to the liver, which led to massive blood loss and the patient’s death.

According to a statement from the law firm representing the family, the doctor did not immediately report the error and identified the liver removal as a spleen removal.

Even the surgeon explained to the widow, who denounced the institution, that the basis Her husband was so sick that was “four times bigger” than usual.

But a pathologist’s report noted that the removed organ and “designated” as spleen It was a “visibly identifiable” liver which was partially torn.

“My husband died helpless on Dr. Shaknovsky’s operating table,” the widow said in a statement. She also said she did not want “anyone else to die due to his incompetence in a hospital.”

The victim did not want to undergo surgery

Before his death, Bryan had refused repeatedly to undergo surgeryas shown in the operative report.

In fact, the man asked to be discharged, saying he wanted to drive to Alabama to see his family doctor, after he was admitted to the aforementioned Florida hospital last August.

According to the widow’s lawyers, the surgeon and another doctor “persuaded” her of the convenience of undergoing surgery due to a problem with the spleen and warned him about the “serious complications” he could experience if he was not operated on.

The spleen, which was never removed, simply presented a small cystaccording to lawyers representing the widow.

He Sacred Heart Emerald Coasta nonprofit Catholic health care system with 140 hospitals in the U.S., said it was investigating the case.

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#Man #dies #liver #removed #mistake #United #States
2024-09-09 07:39:53

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Tragic Medical Mistake: Alabama Man Dies After Surgeon Removes Liver ‍Instead of Spleen

In a shocking and devastating medical error, a 70-year-old Alabama man, William Bryan, died⁣ after a surgeon removed ​his ‌liver instead ‍of his spleen during an emergency surgery in ⁢Florida. The ⁣incident has ⁣sent shockwaves across the medical community, raising questions about the accountability and⁣ competence of medical professionals.

According to reports, Bryan traveled with his wife to Walton County in northwest Florida, ⁢where he began to feel severe⁤ pain in the left side of his abdomen. He was admitted to Ascension Sacred ⁣Heart Emerald Coast Hospital, ​where ⁣doctors advised him ‌to undergo surgery to remove ⁣his spleen [[3]]. Despite initial reluctance, Bryan agreed‍ to⁢ the operation at‍ the local hospital, ⁤but the surgery ended ⁢in tragedy when the doctor mistakenly removed ​his ⁤liver instead.

The‍ mistake was catastrophic, and Bryan died in‌ the operating room, ⁣leaving his family and loved​ ones in shock ⁣and grief ⁣ [[1]]. The incident ⁣has sparked outrage and raised concerns ‌about the ⁤standards of medical care in the hospital.

The surgeon involved in the incident, Dr. Shaknovsky, has been accused of gross medical negligence and is‍ facing scrutiny from the medical community and authorities [[2]]. The hospital has launched an investigation into ​the incident, and ‌the matter is being⁢ probed by the relevant authorities.

This tragic​ incident highlights the importance of attention⁣ to detail and adherence to standard medical procedures. Medical ⁤professionals have a ​sacred responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of their patients, and such gross negligence can have devastating consequences.

As the investigation‌ into the incident continues, it is essential that medical professionals and hospitals take a hard look at their⁢ practices and protocols to prevent​ such errors from occurring in the future. The lives of​ patients depend on it.





Keywords: ​Alabama man, liver removal, spleen removal, medical mistake, surgery error, Florida hospital, Dr. Shaknovsky, medical negligence, patient‍ safety.

What legal actions can be taken after a surgical error that leads to a patient’s death?

Tragic Mistake: Alabama Man Dies After Surgeon Removes Wrong Organ

In a shocking and devastating turn of events, a 70-year-old Alabama man, William Bryan, died on August 31 after undergoing surgery to remove his spleen at Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Hospital in Walton County, Florida. The surgery, performed by Dr. Thomas Shaknovsky, took a disastrous turn when the surgeon mistakenly removed the patient’s liver instead of the spleen,



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