Tragic Story of Rescued Tibetan Mastiff Dogripsi

2023-12-12 10:24:26

[Animal News]After many animals are abandoned, they often suffer indelible pain that cannot be recovered for a long time. A Tibetan mastiff dog girl who was rescued by an animal group 7 years ago was originally adopted by a couple. She thought she could escape and live a happy life. Unexpectedly, she just fell from one hell to another, a life in purgatory. It just officially started. The dog girl Fat Fat was eventually adopted three times, abandoned three times, and finally returned to the hands of Bowie, the Hong Kong Tibetan Mastiff and Caucasus Association spokesman who originally rescued her. Unfortunately, Fat Fat has fallen from the hopeful heaven to hell many times, and reincarnated endlessly. In the end, he went on a hunger strike due to depression and refused to live, and passed away last week. Bowie admitted that he was deeply saddened by Fat Fat’s repeated misfortunes and that it was difficult to express his feelings about the tragic results.

Bowie said that she rescued many Tibetan mastiffs from a breeding farm in 2016, two of which were sisters, Fat Fat and Bailey. The sisters were soon adopted by a couple who lived in Tuen Mun at the time and later moved to Yuen Long. They said they had a large garden for the dogs to roam. She thought that the two dog sisters could be happy from now on, but the good times did not last forever. One day, Bowie discovered that the owner had lost contact. After investigation, it was shockingly discovered that the male owner was missing, leaving behind his wife and several dogs. The wife rented a container in Lau Fau Shan for the two dogs and several other dogs. Later, the female owner ignored the dogs due to financial problems. One of the Tibetan mastiffs was even suspected of being ill and was not admitted to the hospital. The whole family was sick, died and turned into bones. It was a tragic scene. The remaining Tibetan Mastiff, Fat Fat, was rescued by the Association.

After the legal process was finally completed, volunteers once again assisted Fat Fat in searching for adoption, and he was adopted by a woman the next day, giving Fat Fat renewed hope to find a new home. Unfortunately, good times did not last long. Shortly after the second owner adopted the Tibetan Mastiff girl, there was an accident at home and he had to go to Canada immediately. So he gave the Tibetan Mastiff to a foreign friend living in Lantau Island to take care of him, and he became her third owner. Owner.

The third owner loved Fat Fat himself, but later because of the dog’s foolish and loyal love for the owner and the difficulty in getting along with children, it even bit the owner in an accident. After the third owner had him for a year, Worried that the Tibetan Mastiff would attack children, they decided to abandon it and said that if no one adopted it, it would be sent to the Fisheries and Conservation Department for humane destruction.

After going around and around, the second owner approached Bowie for help. Bowie discovered that the Tibetan Mastiff girl was none other than Fat Fat, the dog she had rescued back then. He immediately picked her up and placed her in a friend’s dog farm to take care of her. Unfortunately, this dog has experienced too much in his life. Many times he thought he had found a home and received love, but each time it was short-lived and lost quickly. After Fat Fat entered the dog farm, she became very unhappy and refused to eat. Bowie was worried about whether she was sick at first, so he took her to the veterinarian for a physical examination. However, her body indexes were all normal. The doctor estimated that she was depressed, too sad, Missing his previous owner so much, the dog continued to self-mutilate and self-destruct, refusing to eat.

Seeing that the dog’s condition was getting worse and worse, and she started drooling constantly, Bowie was very worried, so he took her to another veterinarian for treatment. The veterinarian said that the dog’s physical condition had damaged the nervous system and advised them not to let the dog suffer. Incomparable pain and suggestion that she be humanely destroyed. The dog finally passed away last week.

Bowie said heartbrokenly: “This dog has experienced love in her life, but each love was short-lasting. She gave the greatest love every time, but every time she returned, the result was that she was ultimately abandoned.”

She lamented that things in the world are really strange, “I rescued her back then and thought I had escaped. After that, the dog went through a series of things over and over again and experienced such a big change many times. Finally, I personally rescued her. It’s really helpless to have her cremated and send her away. I can’t explain it. This may be something I owe her. I hope she can be happy and cheerful in her next life, and not be as miserable as this life.”

“Every time, she gave her a hope, from a paradise, and then fell into a hell. For her, she really couldn’t bear the trauma this time, so she chose to self-destruct.” Bowie said. , hoping that she can no longer worry about anyone in heaven and start over happily.

Related reports:
A Tibetan Mastiff dies of suspected illness and four dogs starve

The post The Tibetan Mastiff girl who was abandoned many times died of depression and went on hunger strike. Volunteers were sad: She fell from a hopeful heaven to hell many times. appeared first on Hong Kong Animal Post.

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