Tragic Story of Leah Rogers: Tonsillitis Gone Wrong – A Warning to All

2023-09-04 05:22:10

Leah Rogers, a 17-year-old girl in Wales, England, contracted tonsillitis (Tonsillitis) during a trip in May, but she did not expect to seriously worsen and died (Photo/Facebook/Leah Rogers)

A 17-year-old girl from Wales, England, suffered from tonsillitis while on holiday with friends on a Spanish island. Unexpectedly, when she returned home, her symptoms gradually became more serious, and she went to the doctor for many times but still did not get better, which eventually led to severe leukemia and unfortunately passed away.

According to the “Daily Mirror” report, Leah Rogers, a 17-year-old girl from Wales, England, went to Palma Nova (Palma Nova, Mallorca, Spain) with her friends in May. Unexpectedly, she felt unwell during the trip. After returning home, she went to the hospital for examination. The doctor diagnosed it as tonsillitis and prescribed antibiotics for her.

However, after taking the medicine, Liya’s condition still did not improve, and she returned to the clinic twice a week. Later, because she was really unwell, she took a lot of painkillers, which caused an overdose of paracetamol in her body. After that, the doctor prescribed antibiotics for Leah again, but she developed severe abdominal pain. After examination, she was confirmed to be infected with glandular fever, and she was immediately hospitalized for treatment.

Unexpectedly, after seeing Leah’s blood report the next day, the doctor found that Leah had liver failure, and immediately sent her to the Intensive Care Unit of the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend for observation, and pretended to be sick. on the life support system. After that, Leah’s condition did not improve for a long time, and she even lost consciousness. She was transferred to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (the Queen Elizabeth Hospital) again.

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After a follow-up consultation with the attending physician and the hematologist, it was discovered that Leah might be suffering from leukemia or hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), but the situation was so critical that the medical team could not give Leah any treatment. In the end, Leah’s family decided to extubate in grief, and Leah passed away a few hours later.

Afterwards, Leah’s father was also heartbroken and said, “The reality makes us realize that life should never be taken for granted. People only realize what they have when their lives are taken away.”

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