Tragic Shooting Incident: Renowned Lawyer Shot Dead, Son Injured in Restaurant Attack

Tragic Shooting Incident: Renowned Lawyer Shot Dead, Son Injured in Restaurant Attack

It would be his son who was injured during the attack; at the moment, his health status is unknown.

César Gaspar Castañeda Candelaria, identified as the private lawyer shot dead in the hamburger business known as Carl’s Jr., was accompanying his son at midday, and the latter also sustained injuries.

The deceased was a criminal lawyer who served as a public prosecutor.

According to the information provided, César Gaspar worked at the State Attorney General’s Office in the Northern Zone, but he resigned from his position about 10 years ago, and the reason for his resignation was not disclosed.

In newspaper archives, it appears that Castañeda was a criminal lawyer and that among his clients were individuals deprived of their liberty in the local Cereso.

It is also noted that he was linked to a process in September 2020 for failing to comply with child support for two children.

One version regarding the incident suggests that the target of the attack was the lawyer; however, one of the shots hit his companion, who would be the victim’s son, and he survived and was rushed to a hospital.

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