Tragic Plane Crash in Utah: North Dakota State Senator and Family Killed

2023-10-03 02:00:50

08:56 PM

This Monday, October 2, the majority leader in the state Senate in the United States, reported that North Dakota state senator, Doug Larsen, his wife and their two young children died in a terrible plane crash while traveling through the air from the country.

It all happened when in the middle of the family’s trip this Sunday, October 1, the aircraft in which they took off shortly before from the Canyonlands airfield, about 24 kilometers north of Moab, failed.

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According to the statement from the Grand County Police Department, which was published through its social networks, it stated that the four people on the flight were dead.

The Senate majority leader, Republican David Hogue, also confirmed the news by sending an email to all his colleagues in the state upper house, where he exposed the death of Doug Larsen.

“Senator Doug Larsen, his wife, Amy, and their two young children, were killed in an aircraft crash last night in Utah. They were visiting relatives in Scottsdale and were on their way home. They stopped for gas in Utah,” Hogue wrote in the email.

The incident is being investigated

The small plane, a single-engine Piper model, is being investigated by the National Transportation Safety Board, through a special investigator, with the aim of thoroughly examining whether the plane had unreported failures before it began its trajectory.

“To begin documenting the scene, examine the aircraft, request any air traffic communications, radar data, weather reports and attempt to contact any witnesses. Likewise, the investigator will request the aircraft’s maintenance records and the pilot’s medical and flight histories,” explained a spokesperson for the National Transportation Safety Board.

According to authorities, it is still unclear who was piloting the plane. But the information they have from the Federal Aviation Administration said that “the small plane crashed under unknown circumstances after takeoff in Moab, Utah,” the administration stated.

Doug Larsen was first elected to the North Dakota Senate in 2020. He was always characterized, according to his voters, as a person who strongly advocated for industrial and business laws.

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On the other hand, the senator was also a lieutenant colonel in the North Dakota National Guard. He and his family lived in that part of the United States for more than 20 years. Additionally, along with his wife Amy, they owned several businesses in the state.

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