Tragic House Fire in Puurs: Kyara and Kyano’s Story

2023-06-29 11:05:56

Kyara (4 years old) and Kyano (8 years old) died in the fire of their house in Puurs on June 18th. Tomorrow, their grandfather must bury them, while their seriously injured mother Stefanie (37) is still in a coma.

Stefanie had wanted to save her children, but might not reach them due to the intensity of the flames. This 37-year-old woman was herself seriously injured: she is still in a coma in hospital in Antwerp. Since this tragedy, Stefaan, Stefanie’s father and the grandfather of the two deceased children, barely eats and sleeps. “I weigh eight kilos less. At night, I stay awake, brooding. Once asleep, I have nightmares. Then I even dream of the fire. I dream that I myself was present in the house and am trying to get the children out of the fire. But I never succeed and I wake up with a start. It’s a feeling of helplessness that overwhelms me”.

“I go out and walk my dog ​​regularly. People in the street then tell me regarding the drama. This support is comforting, but these are also the most difficult times, because it is then that I am hit hard by the disappearance of Kyara and Kyano”, he continues. After the fire, the father of the two children was arrested for arson causing death. “The exact cause of the fire has not yet been communicated”, comments Stefaan briefly. “We are patiently waiting for it. But this man was not arrested for nothing.”

I don’t know at all if she will be able to live with this pain

Stefaan returned to the drama house last week to survey the damage. “On the ground floor, almost everything burned down. Not a single piece of furniture remained standing. And on the first floor, where my grandchildren and my daughter slept, everything is dark. Down to the clothes in the closet. Stefanie’s keys were still on her nightstand. She put them there when she fell asleep, to feel safe. As if she had predicted that something serious was going to happen to them”.

Friday, Kyara and Kyano will be buried, but in the absence of their mother. “Stefanie does not yet know that her children are dead”, breathes Stefaan, his throat knotted. “How will she react? She won’t want to believe it. I think she’s going to go absolutely crazy. How not to be? I have no idea if she will be able to live with this pain”.

“The doctors will have this terrible conversation with her”

“When Stefanie wakes up, the psychologists and doctors at the hospital will have this terrible conversation with her,” the grandfather continues. “It’s better that we are not present at that time, according to the hospital. But if Stefanie wants us to be there, we will be there. That’s what was agreed. For the moment, it is a question of seeing if she will come out unscathed: her condition remains critical. His internal organs are affected. His lungs and esophagus, among other things, need rest. At first, the doctors thought of waking her up following three days. We are already at the tenth. This does not reassure us.”

The funeral will take place in private, with only the family and guests present. Stefanie’s third child, a 13-year-old son from another relationship, will also have to say goodbye to his half-sister and brother. “He hadn’t shed a tear since the fire,” says his grandfather. “He is in shock. Tuesday evening, during a vigil, he suddenly broke down. ‘Cry a good time’, I whispered to him, hugging him tightly in my arms. This boy saw the birth of Kyara and Kyano. He was brought up with them. For him, it is also a blow”.


Rebound in the investigation: the father of the children who died in a fire in Puurs under arrest warrant

Two children die in a fire in Puurs: the father of the family kept in detention

Stefanie (left) is still in a coma © DR Kyana and Kyano. © DR

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