Tragic Death of Two-Year-Old Girl Sparks Investigation by Women’s Special Prosecutor’s Office (FEM) in Juarez City

2023-06-25 17:35:00

Juarez City.– The Women’s Special Prosecutor’s Office (FEM) is investigating the death of a two-year-old girl, who was taken to receive medical attention at the Children’s Hospital, where doctors detected traces of child abuse, an agent of the social representation reported.

It was at 9:30 a.m., when doctors from the institution reported the death of a girl who was admitted very early, who discovered traces of old and recent blows on her chest and arms, said the investigator.

Investigative policemen came to take notice, but they declined, opened a folder and notified the FEM, a body that sent criminal experts and ministerial police officers to investigate the fact.

The girl’s body was taken to the facilities of the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo) but it is unknown if there are people detained for her death.

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