Tragic Death of Brazilian Singer: Darlene Morais Dies After Octopus Bite – Full Story and Updates

2023-11-08 19:58:00
Brasilia: A Brazilian singer died after being bitten by an eight-legged snake. Young singer Darlene Morais (28) died. After being bitten on the face by an octopus, Morais felt very weak and the bitten area turned dark blue. The incident happened last Friday.

Julieni Lisboa, Morais’ wife, stated that she immediately sought treatment at the hospital, thinking that she was allergic due to the bite of the octopus. Morais was discharged the same day after receiving all the basic treatment.

But even on Sunday, the scar on his face and weakness did not change, so he sought treatment at another hospital. But reports indicate that the death occurred on Monday.

According to the reports, the 15-year-old adopted daughter of Morais was also bitten by the same octopus. There was a report that the child was bitten on the leg by an eight-legged man and his health condition is safe. No clear information is yet available as to which species this is an octupus.

Starting his career at the age of fifteen, Morais is also a member of a band with his friend and brother. Together they have performed in many venues.

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