Tragedy Strikes Makala Central Prison: Moïse Katumbi Demands Vice-Minister of Justice Step Down Amidst Transparency Concerns


The ⁢Tragic Incident at ​Makala ‌Central Prison: A Call for Justice

The Makala Central Prison in​ Kinshasa⁢ was the scene ‍of a major tragedy on the night of September 1-2, 2024. This incident revealed ⁣serious failures in the‌ prison system ​of the Democratic‌ Republic of ⁢Congo (DRC), with several dozen prisoners shot ⁢dead in ⁢particularly cruel conditions.

Concerns Raised by ‌Activists

Stanys Bujakera, a journalist, activist, and former detainee, had⁤ consistently ‍warned about ⁣the precarious conditions at Makala. ⁤He highlighted issues​ such as‌ overcrowding, starvation,⁣ poor hygiene, and rampant diseases, providing compelling visual evidence ​to support ‌his claims. Despite his persistent alerts, authorities chose to disregard these warnings.

Official Reports ⁢and Rising Death ⁢Toll

The scale​ of the tragedy became evident when‌ official ‌reports ⁢began circulating. Deputy Justice Minister Samuel Bemba initially claimed that ‌only two deaths had occurred during the incident. However, this ⁤assertion was quickly contradicted by subsequent reports revealing a staggering toll: 129 confirmed victims, including 24 shot dead, along‌ with accounts of rapes and⁤ injuries.

Political ‍Reactions and Calls ⁢for Accountability

Moïse‍ Katumbi, a former⁢ governor of‍ Katanga and a prominent political figure, expressed his deep indignation ‌regarding the management of‌ this crisis. In ‍a post on ‌X, he criticized the negligence of the ‍leaders and the inefficacy of authorities‌ in addressing warnings about the⁤ inhumane conditions at Makala.

A Demand for Justice and Inquiry

Katumbi called for the establishment of an independent commission of‌ inquiry, involving MONUSCO (United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission​ in the Democratic⁤ Republic of Congo) alongside representatives from human⁢ rights NGOs. He emphasized that this investigation is crucial to uncover ⁢the truth behind the massacre and ​to‍ ensure‍ justice for the ⁤victims.

Accountability⁣ for the Leaders

Additionally, Katumbi demanded the resignation of the‌ deputy minister due to a lack of transparency and honesty.‌ He asserted that the tragedy might ⁢have been averted had the authorities paid heed to the‌ warnings issued⁣ by Bujakera and other human⁤ rights⁤ advocates.​ He stated that the⁤ leaders ⁤bear ‌significant responsibility for the carnage.



ivist, and human rights defender, condemned the events at Makala Central Prison, emphasizing the need for urgent reforms in the DRC's penal system. "This is not just a tragedy; it is a reflection of the systemic issues that have long plagued our justice system," Bujakera stated. He called for accountability for those responsible and for international bodies to pay attention to human rights violations within the DRC.

Eyewitness Accounts

Eyewitnesses reported hearing gunfire throughout the night. "The sounds were unbearable. We could hear the cries of the prisoners. It was a night of terror," one former inmate recounted. Another witness described seeing the aftermath: "The bodies were left in the open. It was horrific, an absolute violation of human dignity."

Government Response

In the wake of the incident, the DRC government has promised an investigation, but critics remain skeptical. "We've seen this before – promises without action," Bujakera pointed out. The lack of transparency and accountability has fueled further unrest among civil society groups and families of the victims.

A Call to Action

Human rights organizations have mobilized, calling for international pressure on the DRC government to ensure that justice is served. They demand not only accountability for those involved in the shootings but also comprehensive reforms to address the dire conditions in which prisoners are kept. "We cannot allow this tragedy to be forgotten," Bujakera urged, appealing for support from the global community.


The tragedy at Makala Central Prison serves as a grim reminder of the urgent need for change within the DRC’s justice system. It highlights the grave human rights concerns that continue to plague the country. Advocacy for justice and reform must not wane; instead, it should gain momentum to ensure that such atrocities are not repeated in the future.



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