Tragedy Strikes: Homemade Factory Leads to Fatal Electrocutions and Poisoning Incident

Tragedy in a remote village

Saturday at 11:38 a.m. the police received a report that two dead men were found in farm premises in the village of Krapštikii in the Plunge district and one person, born in 1978, was handed over to the medics.

The head of the Lithuanian Young Farmers and Youth Union Vytautas Buivydas distributed a letter on Saturday in which he said that three men were electrocuted while making fodder.

According to V. Buivydas, the greatest pain is for a woman who lost her son and her partner immediately, who lives near the scene of the incident. According to the woman, both men left the house around 10:30 a.m. to feed the pigs, an hour later saw the arrival of the medics and the police, learned about the tragedy.

He complains that he has nothing to bury

A woman living in poverty admitted that she has no savings, does not know how to live and where to get money even for a funeral. An appeal was made to the mayor of Plunge, Audrias Klishonis, who promised to find ways to help.

“The woman was left alone, without two husbands, a difficult financial situation, the woman cries that she doesn’t even have money to buy a coffin. The mayor of Plunge, Audrius Klišonis, promised to take various measures to help this poor family,” he added.

Photo by Vytautas Buivydas/The place of residence of those who died in the Plunge district

New unexpected circumstances

On Sunday, the Police Department announced new unexpected circumstances of this tragedy. The police report that on Saturday around 11 a.m. in the farm building, the bodies of men born in 1964 and 1989 who died were found.

During the inspection of the scene, a machine for making homemade vodka was found in the basement of the farm building, 2 thousand. 200 liters of sourdough and 25 liters of liquid that emits the smell of homemade vodka.

A man born in 1978 was also found, who was hospitalized due to poisoning with unknown toxic substances.

As reported by the Police Department, during the inspection of the scene, an apparatus for making homemade vodka was found in the basement of the farm building, 2 thousand. 200 liters of sourdough and 25 liters of liquid that emits the smell of homemade vodka.

Pre-trial investigations have been launched to determine the cause of death and the illegal production and storage of homemade strong alcoholic beverages, undenatured or denatured ethyl alcohol, their mortars (mixtures).

Whoever, with the aim of selling, illegally produced, kept, transported fifty or more liters of homemade strong alcoholic beverages, undenatured or denatured ethyl alcohol, their mortars (mixtures), or sold them, shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment for up to five years.

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#unexpected #twist #tragedy #men #electrocuted #death #poisoned #homemade #factory #discovered
2024-09-06 13:54:15
Tragedy Strikes Remote Village: Three Men Electrocuted While Making Fodder

A devastating incident occurred on Saturday in the remote village of⁣ Krapštikii, Plunge district, leaving a community in shock and a woman grieving the loss of her son and ⁣partner. Three men, born ⁣in 1964, 1978, and 1989, were found dead⁤ on a farm premises, with one of them being hospitalized due ⁤to poisoning from unknown toxic substances.

Electrocution While Making Fodder

According to Vytautas Buivydas, ⁢the head of the Lithuanian Young Farmers and Youth Union, the three men were electrocuted while making fodder. The incident is a tragic reminder of the dangers faced by rural‌ communities and the importance of prioritizing safety in farm work.

A Woman’s Unimaginable Loss

The greatest pain is felt by the woman who lost her⁤ son and partner in the tragedy. She had last seen them leaving the house around‌ 10:30 a.m. to feed ‍the pigs. An hour later, she witnessed the arrival⁤ of medics and police, only‌ to ‍learn about the devastating news. The​ woman, who lives in poverty,‌ is now struggling to⁤ come to terms with her loss and is appealing for help to bury her loved ones.

Appeal for Help

An appeal has been made to the mayor​ of ​Plunge, Audrias Klišonis, who has promised to find⁣ ways to assist the grieving woman. The mayor is working to provide support to the family, who are ⁤struggling financially and emotionally.

New Circumstances Emerge

On Sunday, the Police Department announced new ⁣unexpected circumstances surrounding the tragedy. An investigation revealed‌ that a machine for making homemade vodka was found in the basement of​ the farm​ building, along with 2,200 liters of sourdough and 25 liters of liquid emitting the smell of homemade vodka. The police are now investigating the illegal production and ‌storage of homemade strong⁣ alcoholic beverages.

Pre-trial Investigations Underway

Pre-trial investigations⁢ have been launched to determine the cause of death and the illegal production and‍ storage of homemade strong​ alcoholic beverages. According to Lithuanian law, whoever illegally produces, keeps, transports, or sells fifty ⁤or more liters of homemade strong alcoholic beverages can face punishment by a fine or imprisonment for ​up to five years.

A Community ​in Mourning

The incident has sent shockwaves throughout the community, and the people of Plunge district are coming together to support the grieving family. The tragedy serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety and adhering to regulations to prevent such incidents in the future.


[Image: Vytautas Buivydas/The place of residence of those who died in the Plunge district]

Keyword Tags

Tragedy, remote village, electrocution,‌ making fodder, lithium,‍ police investigation, homemade vodka, illegal ‌production, pre-trial investigations, community in mourning.



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