Tragedy of Veles: Ukrainian Boy’s Death After Dental Surgery Shocks the World

2024-01-16 15:38:19

10:36 AM

Veles was a five-year-old Ukrainian boy who died following going to the dentist to have two baby teeth extracted. The minor’s parents claimed that the procedure became complicated following they decided to give their son general anesthesia for the procedure, which is usually an outpatient procedure.

“Our son flies, flies… For all of us from heaven. Rest in peace! ”said Viktor Pashnyk, the boy’s father when he confirmed his death on the followingnoon of January 14.

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The minor’s parents reported that on December 8, they took their little boy to the Ori Group LLC clinic in Ukraine to have two baby teeth extracted. At that medical center they recommended performing an operation to remove the teeth under general anesthesia.

“On the day of the surgery, the child protested a lot. He did not want to let the mask be put on, as if he sensed that a tragedy was approaching. My wife asked to stop, but the anesthesiologist did not listen to her and continued pressing the mask. “My son fell asleep,” said Viktor Pashnyk.

In the waiting room, Veles’ family noticed that there was a lot of movement inside the operating rooms. Doctors were running back and forth and requesting help from emergency personnel. Twenty minutes later, the doctors came out to report that the minor had suffered cardiac arrest during the procedure and that he had been transferred to a resuscitation unit at the Vp hospital in San Nicolás.

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“At the hospital they told us that our son was in serious condition. We were told that during dental surgery our son had died clinically and the doctors had taken too long to perform resuscitation. After another medical examination, they informed us that the child was brain dead and that his life was maintained only by machines,” the father said on his social networks.

Little Veles finally died on the followingnoon of January 14 following spending more than a month in a coma. The child’s parents claim that there was a criminal act on the part of the doctors who recommended general anesthesia for a healthy child

“We urge all authorities not to remain indifferent to our tragedy, because there may be other tragedies on another occasion,” said Veles’ father.

#Fiveyearold #boy #died #baby #teeth #extracted



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