Tragedy in Chile: three Venezuelan migrants died in a container due to inhaling carbon monoxide

Three Venezuelan migrants died in a container in Chile from inhaling carbon monoxide 2

Three Venezuelan migrants died in a container in Chile following inhaling carbon monoxide from a stove they lit to combat the cold. the dead bodies were found in the sector of the bypass of Route 160 of Coronel, in the vicinity of the Juvenile Prison, confirmed the authorities. Coronel is a commune in the southern part of Chile, belonging to the province of Concepción, in the Biobío region.

According to the police, A person notified the authorities at 7:30 p.m. this Friday. After being warned, uniformed officers from the Fourth Coronel Police Station moved inside the private property where the container is installed, the local media reported. He was.

The lifeless people are two women and a man, all of legal age, who were homeless. The women were 19 and 21 years old, while the man was around 40..

Close sources informed the aforementioned media that Venezuelans had been living in the place for regarding five months, where they worked cutting firewood to later sell it. At the same time, they took care of and washed the cars of those who arrived at that location.

The main hypothesis is that the migrants died from carbon monoxide poisoning due to the combustion of a brazier that was found at the site. This last artifact would have been used to combat the cold and rain of recent days, he said. He was. Likewise, the causes of death will be confirmed following the autopsy carried out by the Legal Medical Service.

Three Venezuelan migrants died in a container in Chile from inhaling carbon monoxide

By order of the prosecutor on duty, members of the Homicide Brigade and the Criminalistics Laboratory of the PDI carried out the expert reports to determine what happened. preliminary, it was known that there would be no signs of intervention by third parties at the scene of the event.

The head of the Homicide Brigade of Concepción, sub-prefect Oscar AlvaradoHe reported that “They are two female victims and one male” and that “preliminary, according to identity documents that were found, at least two of them would be of Venezuelan nationality”. It was later found that all three were Venezuelan.

Regarding the cause of death, we can point out that preliminary it might be an inhalation of carbon monoxidesince a salamander was found inside this container”, the official confirmed.

The private property where the container is installed

The last dangerous barriers of Venezuelans who migrate to Chile

At least 20 people died in 2021 trying to cross the Pisiga-Colchane border460 kilometers from La Paz and 2,000 from Santiago. Five people have died on that journey so far this year.according to local authorities, including a child and an elderly woman whose bodies were found on the Chilean side.

“As they are already one step away (…), despite everything we tell them, others also come back and tell them the reality they have lived through; despite that, they want to take risks, ”says the nun Elizabeth Ortega.

Sister Eli, as she calls herself, runs free accommodation for migrants passing through. The refuge arose at the initiative of the nuns themselves when they saw “the suffering of migrants” y receives regarding 150 people a month.

More than six million people have left Venezuela in recent years, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and more than half a million are in Chile. They escape the violence and scarcity in their country, sometimes on foot, and are the protagonists of one of the most serious migration crises in history.

But where they go they sometimes find discrimination it is included xenophobic attacksas in Chile, where a camp was set on fire.

A study by the R4V organization revealed that up to 600 Venezuelans enter that country clandestinely every day from Bolivia and Perua figure that skyrocketed in the last two years.




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