Under unspecified circumstances, two passenger cars collided violently with each other, as a result of which their passengers were trapped. Immediately, the Fire Service rushed to the scene with six firefighters and two vehicles and freed the injured who were picked up by EKAV ambulances and taken to the Rethymno hospital.
Weather: Rapid change is coming – What Thodoris Kolidas predicts – Rains and temperature drop
As the commander of the Rethymno hospital, Nikos Malliaros, told ERT Chania, in the emergency room where the doctors were taken, they fought to keep them alive.
Unfortunately, a 66-year-old man in one car died a short time later, while at around 22.30 a younger man in his 40s, who was in the second car with his father, died of his serious injuries.
The 65-year-old father is hospitalized in the hospital’s ICU and his health condition is considered critical. Unfortunately, there is no end to the list of traffic fatalities in Crete.
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Kypseli: Video document from the murder of Turku
ELGA: Tomorrow, Friday, the clearing of payments to breeders for Daniel – Elias
Fires: Citizens will be able to be updated in real time, through an application, about their progress
Messolonghi: A 17-year-old was arrested for setting fire to a Traffic police car
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#Tragedy #BOAK #Terrifying #car #accident #dead #injured
It looks like you’re working with a JavaScript snippet that seems to be associated with loading ads from different providers, managing user engagement services, and more. However, it appears that snippets are incomplete or missing, especially with regards to async script loading and certain URLs.
Here’s a brief explanation of the key parts of your script:
1. **AdSense Handling**: The code manages AdSense slots, first checking if there are any `.adsbygoogle` elements. If found, it may perform actions on them (though the action is not fully detailed).
2. **Adman Queue**: The `Adman` integration is partially coded, with an ad unit being defined. This is likely to push an advertisement to the queue.
3. **OneSignal Initialization**: OneSignal is set up to send push notifications, using an `appId` for identification.
4. **Disqus Configuration**: There is a config function for Disqus, which is set up with page details, though the URL is left incomplete.
5. **Script Loading**: There are multiple calls to `asyncLoadScript`, which is presumably a custom function designed to dynamically load JavaScript files asynchronously.
6. **CleverCore**: This section of code is commented out, but it intends to load the CleverCore script.
7. **Taboola/Project Agora**: Preparation for loading scripts from Taboola or Project Agora as part of content discovery mechanisms.
8. **Glomex and Dalecta**: These sections involve conditionally loading scripts for those services, possibly after a delay for content readiness.
9. **Vidoomy Integration**: Although incomplete, this suggests another ad monetization integration.
### Recommendations:
1. **Complete the Missing URLs**: Ensure that all async script loading functions have valid URLs or paths to the JavaScript files they are supposed to load.
2. **Error Handling**: Consider adding error handling to your script loading functions to better manage any potential issues during script retrieval.
3. **Code Cleanliness**: Remove the commented-out parts unless necessary; it helps keep the codebase tidy.
4. **Testing**: Test your integrations thoroughly to ensure that ad scripts load correctly and don’t impede website performance.
5. **Ad Network Policies**: Make sure your use of ads complies with the respective ad networks’ guidelines to avoid penalties.
By following these steps, you can enhance the quality and reliability of your ad loading script.