Tragedy in Acceso Oeste: what was the accident of the three young women like?

2023-10-31 20:28:00

After the tragic accident that occurred during the early hours of Sunday in West Accessfamily and friends said goodbye to the three young women between 19 and 24 years old who died in the accident.

The fatalities of the episode were Stephanie Abigail Flores (20), who was driving the vehicle, and the sisters Breeze Kimey Lopez (19) y Sheila Nahir López (24). At the time of the terrible event, the young women from Ramos Mejía were returning from a Halloween party at the “Chinito BA” property, Avenida Presidente Perón at 6830.

That night, Sheila posted one last video on her Instagram stories, showing the place while it played in the background. “Happy birthday Ferxxo” they Feid. “Jangueando”the young woman wrote about the brief recording and tagged her two companions.

Shortly after 6 in the morning, the three girls left the party and got aboard a white Peugeot 208. Flores got behind the wheel and headed back toward South Collector West Access.

However, the young women did not manage to reach their destination. The three drove in the vehicle for about 10 kilometers Maximum speed until the car lost its way and violently hit the guardrail. As a consequence, the rolling flew about 30 meters y crashed into the toll booth at kilometer 47 of Western Access.

A Halloween party that ended in tragedy: who were the two sisters and the friend who died in Acceso Oeste

Following the brutality of the crash, two of the three young women died instantly. The third was assisted at the time by an ambulance that later transported her to a local hospital. However, the young woman died hours later due to the severity of injuries.

As specified All News (TN)investigation sources stated that the vehicle’s speedometer was stuck in 200 kilometers per hourindicating what would be the speed at which the girls were traveling at the moment in which the driver lost control of the car and got lost.

The causes of the incident were under investigation by Justice, given that No involvement of other vehicles was reported. during the accident. The Federal Police, Gendarmerie and other security agencies worked in the area of ​​the accident to take the corresponding investigations.

Stefanía Flores, Sheila López and Brisa López, the three fatal victims of the accident in Acceso Oeste.

One of the hypotheses surrounding the tragic accident is that the highway was slippery because of the rain. It also remains to be determined whether any technical failure in the car or if the young woman who was driving he fell asleep while driving or if they had consumed alcohol or any substance.

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The investigation of the case was left in the hands of the Fiscal Instruction Unit No. 10 of General Rodríguez. In this context, the authorities will review the recordings of the domo security located at the scene waiting to obtain more information about what happened.

The pain and farewell to the victims

After learning the sad news, friends and family of the young women said goodbye to them through various publications and posts on social networks.

God, you couldn’t take my two girls away from me. Why did they leave me, my doll? Because? “What am I going to do without you?” he expressed. Mirta Mastorizzo, grandmother of the López sisters. At the same time, Thiagobrother of both, said: “I love them with my whole soul, the brothers are always together. A part of me went with you“Rest in peace my little angels.”

Farewell to the young women who died in Acceso Oeste

I still don’t fall. I’m going to miss you forever friend, rest in peace,” wrote one of Stefanía’s friends along with a video, while another friend of the young woman added: “I still can’t believe this happened to you. I’m devastated. I’m going to miss you like crazy, my crazy girl. We had many things pending“.

In turn, another young woman lamented: “You left me a huge void, I still can’t understand that you are no longer here. I can’t find the words to express my pain, there aren’t any. I’m going to miss you every day. Rest in peace. I really It’s hard to explain what I feel in those moments. Never be left wanting to tell another person how important they are to you.“.


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