Traffic Troubles in Madrid and Seville on Election Day: Slow Circulation and Access Difficulties

2023-07-23 14:03:45

Slow circulation in the accesses to Madrid and Seville

Traffic is slow at the accesses to Madrid and also presents difficulties on the entrance roads to Seville this Sunday at 4:00 p.m., according to information provided by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT). On the occasion of election day, the DGT has established a special device to facilitate entry to large cities in the followingnoon, before the schools close, and has brought forward to this time the opening of reversible and additional lanes that are usually activated later on Sundays in summer.

At 4:00 p.m., the Traffic officers were pending an accident that complicated circulation in Cuenca at the height of Saelices in the direction of Madrid.La Traffic was slow in Madrid on the A1, around Jarama in both directions; entrance on the A1 in El Molar; and exit, by the A6 in El Plantío. The DGT also highlighted complications in Barcelona on the AP7 in Montornès del Vallès in both directions. In Andalusia, there were difficulties entering Seville at various points, the AP4 in Los Palacios and Villafranca, the A4 in Dos hermanas and the A49, in Huévar del Alfaraje.

Collapse of participation in Catalonia and the Basque Country

The Secretary of State for Communication, Francesc Vallès, has highlighted that there has been an increase in participation, which is always good news in any democratic process”

Participation in the general elections this Sunday, 23-J, is 2.56 points higher than that registered in November 2019 in the first data advanced by the Ministry of the Interior, corresponding to 2:00 p.m. At that time, 40.48% of the voters had already voted, compared to 37.92% four years ago. However, it has not increased in all territories, as in the Basque Country and Catalonia, the latter case where public opinion experts, one of them Narciso Michavila, president and founder of the GAD3 consultancy, see reasons for optimism for the non-independence right. Read the complete information.

turn up participation

The Secretary of State for Communication, Francesc Vallès, and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Isabel Goicoechea, this 23-J. (EFE/ Victor Lerena)

Participation in these general elections has risen significantly compared to the last ones. Specifically, at 2:00 p.m. it was already at 40.48%, compared to 37.92% in 2019, according to data collected by the Ministry of the Interior.

Ayuso, concerned regarding the breakdown in Valencia

The president of the Community of Madrid assesses the collapse at the Valencia station,

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has asked this Sunday that “all means be used” to solve the breakdown of the Valencia-Madrid trains and that “trapped” travelers can exercise their right to vote.

This has been claimed by the regional president following exercising her right to vote this morning at the Colegio La Inmaculada Marillac, where she stressed that she hopes that “all Spaniards who are going to vote today can do so.”

“And I am referring especially to all the voters who have been trapped on the trains from Valencia to Madrid and who right now may not be able to exercise their right to vote. I ask that all the means be used so that it can be produced ”, she stressed.

23-J in pictures

We are collecting some of the best images of the general elections that we receive from the main national and international agencies. Here, a photo gallery of 23-J.

One of the members of a table this 23-J at the Colegio Montserrat in Madrid. (EFE/Fernando Villar)

The PP subscribes to the conspiracy

Alfonso Serrano, general secretary of the PP of Madrid and deputy of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has alluded to the incident that is preventing normal rail traffic between Valencia and Madrid to accuse the Government of being responsible for the ruling, supposedly to prevent citizens from voting this 23-J. He does so following a campaign in which his party, in the voice of the president himself, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, questioned the professionalism of the Post Office, which has finally done its job with record numbers.

What a coincidence, right? That the trains full of people from Madrid cannot leave Valencia due to a problem in a tunnel. Nobody tells them anything. Adif does not propose alternatives in buses. Does anyone want them to turn around? We demand urgent and immediate action

— Alfonso Serrano (@SerranoAlfonso) July 23, 2023

Vote for Yolanda Diaz

The leader of the Sumar coalition, Yolanda Díaz, has voted at the Higher Technical School of Mining Engineers in Madrid this Sunday. (EFE/Sergio Perez)

The Second Vice President of the Government, Minister of Labor and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, voted this Sunday following 11:30 a.m. at the Higher Technical School of Engineers, Mines and Energy in Madrid. She has done it together with her daughter, Carmela. The candidate has called to vote to “wake up tomorrow with more democracy and more freedom.” “We are at stake, surely for the people of my generation these are the most important elections, we are at stake for the next decade,” she told the media, somewhat hoarse following the long campaign.

Vote for Alberto Núñez Feijóo

The president and candidate of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has voted at the Ramiro de Maeztu school in Madrid. ( Medina)

The president and candidate of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, voted at the Ramiro de Maeztu school in Madrid at 11:30 a.m. He has said he feels “proud” of his country for the effort to vote in the middle of summer and on a hot day like today. Núñez Feijóo has thanked all those who have facilitated this process, including the professionals of Correos, a company that he targeted in the middle of the campaign. “We are risking the model of the country, having a strong government and it is necessary for Spain to speak, and everything that Spain speaks will be fine”, he affirmed. “I am at the disposal of my country and no matter what happens I will continue working for my country”, he finished.

Vote Santiago Abascal

The president and candidate of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has voted at the Cristo Rey School in Madrid at 11:15 this Sunday 23-J. “I hope that the results of the polls will come out, we hope that through a massive mobilization, they will allow a change of course and that the Spanish people decide their future,” he said. He believes that any result that Vox obtains “will be heroic”, complaining regarding the treatment he has received from the media and going so far as to describe Atresmedia as an “ultra-left” group.

100% of the tables constituted normally

An elderly couple exercises their right to vote in Avilés. (EFE/Eloy Alonso)

100% of the polling stations in all of Spain have been constituted normally at around 10:20 a.m., the Ministry of the Interior has reported. In this way, the 60,314 polling stations planned for these general elections are now fully operational. The last to be set up were those in the Canary Islands, where schools open an hour later, and one in the Basque Country.

Ruffian: “Today is the only day in which everyone has the same power”

The head of the ERC list for the Barcelona Congress, Gabriel Rufián, votes at the Mercè Rodoreda School in Badalona. (EFE/Alberto Estevez)

The ERC candidate for Congress for Barcelona, ​​Gabriel Rufián, has called on citizens to participate in the general elections this Sunday, and has recalled that an election is “the only day in which everyone has the same power and the same ability to transform things”.

“The day you have the same power as the one who exploits you, lies to you, or reprisals you is the day you vote. Let everyone be aware that unfortunately this is the case”, Rufián added in statements to the media following voting at the Escola Rodoreda de Badalona (Barcelona).

Thus, he has asked citizens to participate “in what has always been called the party of democracy, taking into account that, depending on what happens tonight, it will no longer be a party.”

(Information from Europa Press)

Villarroya breaks record: votes in 26 seconds

Villarroya (La Rioja), the first town to close the ballot box this 23-J. (EFE/Fernando Diaz)

They have done it once more: Villarroya has been one more election, the first Spanish municipality to close its polls, on this occasion, moreover, breaking its own record, since its seven registered voters have voted in 26 seconds. A record that they had already managed to break just two months ago, voting in just over 29 seconds in the municipal and regional elections on May 28.

Practice gives experience and the inhabitants of Villarroya already know exactly what they have to do. And so it has been. Seven people in total, three are at the table; another three, substitutes; and another person. So, by 8 in the morning, the table was perfectly formed, and some were even already waiting, under the watchful eye of the media and many onlookers, who are already approaching the place to see if each time it is possible to vote in less time.

The forecast has come true: three seconds less than in the May election date, amid the rejoicing and applause of all those present who, to finish off the celebration, have planned a meal this midday, in which more than thirty people will gather.

Vote for Pedro Sanchez

Pedro Sánchez votes with his wife Begoña Gómez, in Madrid. (EFE/Ballesteros)

The President of the Government and PSOE candidate, Pedro Sánchez, has just voted at the College of Our Lady of Good Council in Madrid accompanied by his wife, Begoña Gómez. After exercising his right, he has thanked all the people who have made this process possible, especially the Post Office employees. Sánchez has called for massive participation that will lead to a “strong government.” He has affirmed that he will spend Sunday “with the family, very expectant and pending participation.” Asked if he is “optimistic”, he said he has “good vibrations”.

The first statements of the PSOE candidate following casting his vote.

Polling stations open

Several citizens called to be ‘table’ this 23-J, upon their arrival at the Ortega y Gasset Institute in Madrid. (EFE/Fernando Villar)

Spain begins to vote. The polling stations open, with 60,314 tables from which the new composition of Congress and the Senate will come out and presumably, except for repetition, the new president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez or Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Voting centers close at 8:00 p.m. and from 9:00 p.m. on the peninsula, when the process is over in the Canary Islands, the scrutiny will begin to be broadcast. Throughout the day, at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., the Ministry of the Interior will publish participation data and at 8:00 p.m. and even actual vote count figures, two large exit polls: GAD3 for Mediaset and Sigma Dos for RTVE and FORTA.

When do the candidates vote?

The President of the Government and candidate of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, will be the first of the four main candidates to vote this Sunday, at 9:00 a.m. at the Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo in Madrid. His rival from the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, plans to exercise his right to vote at 11:00 a.m. at the Ramiro de Maeztu College, also in Madrid. At the same time that the opposition leader will vote for the Vox candidate, Santiago Abascal, at the Cristo Rey College in Madrid. The Second Vice President of the Government, Minister of Labor and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, will also do so in Madrid, at 11:30 am at the Higher Technical School of Engineers, Mines and Energy.

The polling stations begin to be set up

Electoral table of the CEIP Emperor Carlos V of Getafe, in Madrid. (Europe Press)

The polling stations for the general elections that are held this Sunday begin to be established in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In total there are 60,314 tables, made up of almost 181,000 members, to which are added more than 361,000 substitutes.

Voting will begin at 9:00 a.m., when the polling stations will open their doors to the public, and will conclude at 8:00 p.m. The process in the Canary Islands is carried out one hour later than peninsular time.

The call for general elections in the middle of summer made the Central Electoral Board allow excuses if a vacation trip had been hired prior to the call and numerous people elected as presidents or members have presented allegations, many with success.

In Madrid alone, for example, 12,720 excuses have been registered, almost 3,000 more than in the May elections, and 10,200 have been estimated, as reported by the capital’s City Council. Other consistories, such as Soria or Pamplona, ​​were forced to repeat the draws to fill the vacancies.

The participation

Throughout the day, Interior will give two details of participation, at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., which will be followed by press conferences, at 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., by the Secretary of State for Communication, Francesc Vallès, and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Isabel Goicoechea. The participation data is especially relevant in these elections in the middle of the holiday period, a circumstance that should discourage voting, something that remains to be seen, especially in view of the votes cast by mail. In 2019 it was 71.75%.

Exit polls

At 8:00 p.m., the polling stations close immediately, we will know two polls at the exit: Mediaset will publish a survey prepared by GAD3. Its president and founder, Narciso Michavila, will talk regarding it in detail in a special on Informativos Telecinco presented by Pedro Piqueras. The second of the polls is that of Sigma Dos for RTVE and FORTA, also at 8:00 p.m.

We remember what the main surveys said until the polling blackout last Monday:

The tables: composition, schedule and functions

A total of 180,942 citizens will be in charge this Sunday of attending the 60,314 polling stations throughout the country for the general elections, a task for which each of them will receive 70 euros as a diet, the same amount as in the local elections on May 28.

As in each electoral process, the municipalities were in charge of choosing by lottery the presidents and members who will have to attend the more than 60,000 tables that will be set up in the 22,562 polling stations or polling stations that will be set up. In total, they appointed 180,942 regular members and 361,884 substitutes.

Their work begins at 8:00 am, which is when they are summoned. The appointment is for the president and the two elected members, but also for the substitutes -two per position-, who have to go to the electoral college in case the incumbents fail, which means a total mobilization of 542,826 people throughout the country.

As this year the elections are held in the middle of July, the Central Electoral Board allowed the use of having hired a trip before the call for the elections as an excuse, as long as it was shown that being at the table would entail economic damage.

The tables are not constituted without having covered the three positions (president and two members) and, if the designated ones have not been presented, the Electoral Board can force the first voters who come to be part of it.

Once the polling stations have been set up, the polling stations will open at 9:00 a.m., where you can vote until 8:00 p.m. At each table this Sunday there will be two ballot boxes, one to vote for Congress and the other for the Senate.

Once the schools are closed, scrutiny will take place at each table. The recount will include the votes that have been sent by mail from Spain and that will be added to the rest. First, the envelopes with the ballots for Congress are opened and, following this process, those for the Senate.

(Information from Europa Press)

The Senate

It should not be forgotten that the citizens are also electing 208 of the 265 senators that make up the Upper House this Sunday, with the question of whether any party will be able to achieve an absolute majority, which, among other things, allows the so-called spending ceiling or the application of article 155 to be approved. 19 approx.

These elections on 23-J will also serve to find out if the possibilities offered by the open list system are used to elect the four senators distributed by each province: voters indicate up to three names from among all the candidates who present themselves and they can do so from the same party, from two or even from three different ones.

The results show following nearly 45 years of general elections that voters choose the candidates of the same party, so that the formation with the most votes directly takes three seats and the one that is second, one. That is to say, the usual thing is that only two parties distribute the senators, and in the majority of provinces they are the PP and the PSOE.

(Information from Europa Press)

How many seats does each province distribute?

To determine the 350 deputies in Congress, a territorial division is established into 52 constituencies: the 50 provinces plus the two autonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla. Each of these circumscriptions has a certain number of deputies assigned: one in Ceuta, one in Melilla and a minimum of two per province, although this number increases depending on the population (change that takes place at the beginning of the legislature). Thus, for the next general elections, the province of Madrid elects 37 deputies and that of Barcelona 32, while that of Soria only the established minimum of two. There are two changes with respect to the 2019 elections: Badajoz loses one seat and the Valencian Community wins one.

Distribution of seats by provinces this 23-J. (EpData)

(Information from Europa Press)

This is how D’Hondt’s law works

One of the most complex aspects to explain in general elections in Spain is how the seats are distributed under the D’Hondt law or system. This infographic seeks to shed some clarity since it is not a proportional model, but one that favors the strongest in order to favor governability:

The day of reflection

Gone is the day of reflection, in which the candidates were seen for the last time before their appearance -or not- tonight to assess the results. Cinema, sports or family outings were some of the activities of the candidates for the Presidency of the Government.

This is how Pedro Sánchez, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Santiago Abascal and Yolanda Díaz spent the day of reflection

General elections 23-J

Yolanda Diaz (Sumar), Pedro Sanchez (PSOE), Alberto Nunez Feijoo (PP) and Santiago Abascal (Vox).

Good morning from the writing of Infobae Spain. It starts on Sunday, July 23, the day of the general elections and we will tell you regarding it until dawn. About 37.5 million Spaniards are called to renew 350 seats in Congress and 208 in the Senate. At 9:00 a.m. – on the peninsular and in the Canary Islands – 22,562 polling stations or polling stations open in 8,131 municipalities, where 60,314 tables and 210,000 ballot boxes will be installed.

A device of more than 90,000 members of the State Security Forces and Bodies made up of members of the National Police, the Civil Guard, regional and local police, and emergency services and Civil Protection ensure the safety of the process, which in global terms has a cost of 220,872,805.92 euros.

Pedro Sánchez, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Santiago Abascal and Yolanda Díaz are the four main protagonists on Sunday and that of Spain depends on their luck. Today we open the newspaper with complete information on what is expected of the day and the main events up to here, especially in the campaign: the Feijóo of the absolute majority challenges the resistance of Pedro Sánchez.

#General #elections #23J #live #Participation #skyrockets #nationally #collapses #Catalonia #Basque #Country #p.m



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