Traffic block on electric skates

In particular, since the morning of Monday (16/9), police officers are in Nea Paralia to carry out the relevant checks, as it has been observed that electric skates are used more in the morning hours.

In the first phase, several violations have been confirmed, the most basic being the absence of a helmet, which results in a fine of 40 euros.

The head of the traffic accident control and prevention team in Thessaloniki, Pantelis Spyridis, spoke to MEGA about the checks that are being carried out regarding electric skates.

“At the initiative of the Thessaloniki traffic department, we are intensively monitoring the action on electric scooters – light personal electric vehicles – they fall under the law 4784/2021, which is very specific about the protective measures that drivers must have and also about compliance with the K .OK,” he said initially and continued:

“According to the law, they should normally stop at red lights, when there is a cycle lane to move on it and not from the arterial roads. They are also prohibited from going out on roads that have a speed limit greater than 50 km per hour. They must definitely wear a helmet and at night they should wear a fluorescent vest as well as lights when driving normally.”

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