Traditional Mayan medicine plays an important role in the prevention and control of epidemics – Palco Noticias

Merida, October 31, 2022.- Traditional medicine, such as Chinese and Mayan, have always played an important role in the prevention and control of epidemics, even in the treatment of covid-19 and monkeypox, according to expert doctors.

When participating in the II Conference of Traditional Chinese and Mayan Medicine, held at the Huawen Institute in this city, Dr. Liu Guangri, Professor Li Ke, doctors Edgar Peraza and Aniceto Ciau shared their knowledge.

In the conferences, it was mentioned that traditional medicines such as Chinese and Mayan are valuable in the prevention and control of epidemics, and even in the treatment of coronavirus and monkeypox.

It was also mentioned that thanks to these medicines, the rate of virus infection and mortality of critically ill patients was reduced.

Aihua Yao, director of the Huawen Yucatan Institute, thanked the participants for sharing their knowledge and following four years this second face-to-face conference might be organized due to covid-19.

In 2017, doctors Liu Guangrui and Edgar Peraza presented the I International Conference on Traditional Chinese and Mayan Medicine.

The following year, a delegation headed by Doctors Liu Guangrui, Xia Jilin and Liu Wenjuan and Professor Li Ke arrived in Mérida, where they guided 38 Mexican enthusiasts in traditional Chinese medicine.

The same topics were addressed regarding the situations that these medicines face due to culture, region and race; the direction where its development and its future is going. (Infoqroo)



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