Traditional Bavarian Restaurant Forced to Close Due to Lack of Staff: Impact of Citizen’s Money

2024-01-11 11:14:28

Published11. January 2024, 12:14

Bavaria: Due to receipt of citizens’ money: traditional resti remains closed

The St. Bartholomä restaurant on Königssee in Bavaria had to close temporarily. The reason: The staff would rather take citizens’ money than work.

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The St. Bartholomä restaurant on Königssee in Berchtesgadener Land is actually a well-visited excursion destination. Now it has to close for a month due to a lack of staff.


According to the innkeeper, some of his employees would rather receive citizen’s money than work in the catering industry.


The closure is also bitter for shipping on the Königssee: tourists are usually taken directly to the Resti by boat.


  • A traditional restaurant in Königssee in Bavaria has to close because it can no longer find staff.

  • According to Wirt, some of his employees would rather receive citizen’s benefit instead of working.

  • He believes the search for personnel will continue to be difficult in the future.

Citizens’ money was introduced in Germany regarding a year ago – Hartz IV was therefore off the table. As of January 1, 2024, the standard rate has increased significantly once more; in addition to a housing subsidy, those affected will receive 563 euros per month as “pocket money”. What sounds rather poor from a Swiss perspective is apparently reason enough for some people in Germany not to return to their poorly paid job.

At least that’s what the tenant and landlord of the traditional restaurant St. Bartholomä on Königssee in Bavaria, Markus Amann, reports. He has been running the business for over ten years. He confirmed to the “Berchtesgadener Anzeiger” that his restaurant would have to close for a whole month. The reason: lack of staff. “In the summer, 16 people quit.” Germans haven’t worked for him for a long time; instead, they are people from Eastern Europe. Many Romanians used to come, but today there are Hungarians.

Better citizen money than creating

«We had a few Ukrainians. “But their compatriots recommended that they should instead receive citizen’s money in order to be able to enjoy life better,” says Amann. Now the Resti has to close – until February 8th. And this despite the fact that the website actually says: We are there for you 364 days a day! However, it is questionable whether the innkeeper will be able to close its staffing gap in the meantime. Gastronomy has simply become too unattractive for many people. Amann has been paying its employees more than the minimum wage requires for a long time. “Otherwise no one will answer.” A blessing in disguise, however, because significantly fewer tourists visit Königssee in winter than in summer. Nevertheless, the innkeeper is convinced that this is just the beginning: “It will get worse.”

The matter is particularly bitter for shipping on the Königssee. The Resti can only be reached by boat and is mainly visited by day trippers who have previously taken part in a tour of the picturesque mountain lake. 750,000 guests are transported to the peninsula on which the restaurant is located every year. The managing director of Bayerische Seenschiffahrt, Michael Grießer, told the “Berchtesgadener Anzeiger”: “Of course that is more than unfortunate.” Because the many tourists now have no opportunity to fill their hungry stomachs anywhere.

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#Königssee #Restaurant #close #due #lack #staff



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