Trader Friendly Scheme Target 30 Lakhs, Only 75 Shopkeepers Registered So Far – Pakistan

Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has constituted a committee consisting of Chairman FBR, Secretary Finance and Secretary Commerce to redress the grievances of the business community related to the application and implementation of Tajir Dost scheme.

It has been learned that on Saturday, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Chief Coordinator of Tajer Dost Scheme Naeem Mir discussed the issues related to the implementation of Tajer Dost Scheme. Naeem Mir is the Chairman of the Supreme Council of All Pakistan Anjuman-e-Tajran. They will review the facilities available to retailers and wholesalers for effective implementation of the Trader Friendly Scheme.

Representatives of the business community told the Prime Minister that traders and shopkeepers are ready for registration, but the real problem is payment of taxes. Technical and legal issues have to be addressed in this regard.

It is reported that the Prime Minister on the occasion reiterated his commitment to recover from the rich class and potential taxpayers and said that he is ready to listen to and solve the problems of the business community.