Toyota is no longer hiding!The premiere time of the brand’s largest SUV facelift in 15 years has been announced

A few days ago, I was still selling off, not to mention which new Toyota (Toyota)Article link), and finally stopped hiding and told the world directly that Toyota’s largest size leisure travel Sequoia will hold its world premiere on January 25, and the exclusive website has also been launched, and after the last right rear C-pillar and taillight photos , again with a new photo.

Toyota finally announced the new Sequoia news, and announced the world premiere time.

Toyota is finally Sequoia This SUV, which has not had a major facelift in 15 years, has launched a new model. The latest photo is a partial picture of the rear of the car. The word “Sequoia” is directly placed on the rear of the car, which is obviously to follow up with the latest today. The popularity of the car raises the profile of Sequoia.

The Sequoia hasn’t had a facelift for 15 years, and Toyota is ready to unveil a major facelift on January 25th.

On the official exclusive website, in addition to these two partial photos, Toyota also reserved the position of three photos on the website, and put the words “Coming Soon”, which means that before January 25, three more Sequoia will be released. The photos will whet the appetite of car fans.

Toyota announced that it will hold the world premiere of the Sequoia facelift at 9:30 pm ET on January 25 (9:30 am Taiwan time on January 26).

At present, foreign media speculate that the Sequoia facelift will be similar to the Tundra, with a 14-inch central control screen, and also use a 3.5-liter V6 twin-turbo engine, providing rear-wheel drive and four-wheel drive.

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