Town planning: owners facing a wall when applying for a permit to insulate their front facade

Towards an adaptation of the regional town planning regulations

Aware of the current challenges, the Brussels political authorities and the various administrations are working with players in the construction sector to improve the energy performance of buildings. This Alliance, called Rénolution, aims, among other things, to adapt regional regulations in this area. Erwin Spitzer, vice-president of the UPA, takes part in these discussions. If there are real advances, he tells us that they are still timid in the face of the challenges and objectives: ” This energy renovation strategy is underway. All homes will have to be energy-renovated, whether we want to carry out work or not. This is already a major development. There are also advances since there is a new regional planning regulation which is being drafted. There is a decree of exemptions for small permits which would allow for work of minimal importance to have an exemption from a permit. All these things are evolving but it is not yet achieved at the present time.

From 2026 and until 2050, the Brussels Region has embarked on a large-scale program aimed at achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This will require dividing the average energy consumption of buildings by four. According to experts, it will be even more complicated to achieve this objective without touching the street facades. Suffice to say that between limiting energy losses and the concern to preserve the architectural heritage, the challenge is sizeable and more topical than ever.



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