towards the reform of the health system in Cameroon

It is in this sense that phase 1 of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is launched on April 12, 2023 in Mandjou, Eastern region by the Minister of Public Health, Manaouda Malachie.

It is now effective. Phase 1 of Universal health coverage in Cameroon made operational by Manaouda Malachie, Minister of Public Health in Cameroon this Wednesday in Bertoua. This in the presence of the elites of the region, administrative and hospital authorities, project partners and many guests.

For the head of health, Universal Health Coverage is the starting point for a major reform in the sector. “It should profoundly transform access to health care and services, improve the quality of their supply and above all reverse the curve of the demand for care”, he specified.

The phase 1 care basket

According to Dr Anicet Désiré Mintop, coordinator, the main objective of UHC is to increase access to and use of the services covered by phase 1 by removing financial barriers and improving the quality of care at the Cameroon. Care and services available for their preventive, promotional and curative nature.

In curative care and services, we find:
– Free consultations whatever the pathology for children aged 0-5 years in the 10 regions;
– Free treatment for simple and severe malaria in children aged 0-5 years (10 regions);
– The care of pregnant women who have subscribed to a health check of 6000 FCFA and their newborn up to 42 days of life in the regions of the Far North, North, Adamaoua, East, South);
– The PEC in charge of HIV-AIDS, Tuberculosis and onchocerciasis;
– The PEC of renal insufficiencies which goes from 720,000 per year to 15,000 FCFA for patients who do 3 dialysis sessions per week.

Services covering preventive and promotional aspects concern vaccination, nutrition and community health interventions.

For the first category, vaccines like BCG; Rotavirus diarrhea; DTP-Hep B-Hib vaccine Pentalent; Yellow fever ; pcv-13; IPV; Measles and Rubella; POPV, 3; COVID-19 are administered free of charge.

Same principle for the nutrition aspect with:
– Vitamin A supplementation;
– Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (PECIMA);
– Infant and Young Child Feeding (ANJE);
– Deworming;
– Home Food Fortification (FAD) with Micronutrient powders.

The last component, Community Health Intervention takes into account:

– Newborn follow-up
– Search for those lost to sight (Vaccination);
– The counting of children within the framework of the Organization of Advanced Strategies;
-The administration of antihelminthiasis;
– Malnutrition screening;
– Treatment of diarrhea;
– Treatment of ARIs.

Historical fact

This is how Phanuel Habimana, the resident representative of the World Health Organization, technical and financial partner of Cameroon, qualifies this day of April 12, 2023 in Cameroon. “It’s a destination, it’s a long road and Cameroon’s official entry into it is extremely important. We hope that the efforts that have begun will continue,” he said.

Confident, the Minister of Public Health wanted to reassure everyone that these government efforts cannot be limited to the current portion. Indeed, other actions are planned and should follow in the coming weeks. “A lot of equipment acquired for the benefit of maternity and neonatology units should be made available to health facilities. Other infrastructures are under construction or rehabilitation, in particular through the credits delegated to the Decentralized Territorial Communities”, indicated Manaouda Malachie.

Jeanne Ngo Nlend, special correspondent in Mandjou



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