Towards the creation of a “new savings account dedicated to industry” to “amplify industrial ambition”?


The Prime Minister explained during his general policy speech on Tuesday that “the government will promote better mobilization of French savings to support this industrial dynamic.”

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Michel Barnier proposed establishing a “new savings account dedicated to industry” to “sustain” the “industrial dynamics” in France. “Our country must and wants to amplify its industrial ambition,” Mr. Barnier said during his general policy statement to Parliament. “The government will encourage better mobilization of French savings to support this industrial dynamic, for instance, through a new savings account dedicated to industry.”

Currently, there is the A booklet, the funds from which support social housing and urban renewal, and the sustainable and inclusive development booklet (LDDS). Funds saved in the LDDS “allow banks to provide sustainable development loans at attractive rates intended to finance energy renovation work in collective or individual housing that serves as a primary, secondary or rental home,” the Ministry of the Economy reiterated.

A proposed law aimed at directing a portion of Livret A savings toward the defense industry was approved in the Senate in March but had not been considered in the National Assembly before its dissolution. The outgoing government also initiated a “future climate savings plan,” a savings product aimed at young people, which has been accessible since July 1st. Emmanuel Macron has prioritized full employment and the reindustrialization of France, particularly through controversial pension and unemployment insurance reforms.

“There are many job creations in our country, and more and more people are working thanks to the attractiveness of France for international players, which for seven years has been a priority of the President of the Republic,” but also “thanks to the success of our entrepreneurs, our businesses, whether large, small, or intermediate, our artisans, and our merchants,” declared Michel Barnier.

Mobilizing French Savings for Industrial Growth

“The government will encourage better mobilization of French savings to support this industrial dynamic” explained the Prime Minister during his general policy speech on Tuesday.

The Prime Minister Michel Barnier proposed on Tuesday the creation of a “new savings account dedicated to industry” to “sustain” the “industrial dynamics” in France. “Our country must and wants to amplify its industrial ambition,” said Mr. Barnier during his general policy statement to Parliament. “The government will encourage better mobilization of French savings to support this industrial dynamic, for example through a new savings account dedicated to industry.”

Current Savings Framework in France

Currently, the prominent government-backed savings accounts include:

  • Livret A: Funds primarily finance social housing and urban renewal.
  • Livret de Développement Durable et Solidaire (LDDS): Supports sustainable development loans for energy renovation projects.

Proposed Innovations and Legislative Actions

In a bid to enhance funding for the defense industry, a proposed law aimed to redirect a portion of Livret A savings towards this goal. This proposal received Senate approval in March but was delayed in the National Assembly due to its dissolution.

Additionally, the outgoing government launched a “future climate savings plan” targeted at the youth, which has been accessible since July 1. President Emmanuel Macron has emphasized both full employment and the reindustrialization of France as top priorities, backed by recent reforms in pensions and unemployment insurance.

Creating Job Opportunities Through Industrial Growth

According to Michel Barnier:

“There are many job creations in our country and more and more people at work thanks to the attractiveness of France for international players which, for seven years, has been a priority of the President of the Republic, but also thanks to the success of our entrepreneurs, our businesses, whether large, small or intermediate, our artisans and our merchants.”

Benefits of a Dedicated Savings Account for Industry

Introducing a savings account specifically dedicated to the industrial sector presents various benefits:

  • Increased investment: Mobilizing domestic savings could lead to higher investments in key industries.
  • Job creation: Fostering industrial growth can result in new job opportunities across multiple sectors.
  • Innovation and sustainability: Targeted investments can pave the way for innovation, especially in sustainable practices and technologies.

Case Studies: Successful Models in Other Countries

1. Germany’s Industrial Strategy

Germany has successfully leveraged domestic savings through robust industrial policies, resulting in significant investment in technology and development. The government actively encourages savings that fund R&D and infrastructure.

2. Japan’s Keiretsu System

The Japanese keiretsu system demonstrates how interconnected businesses can amplify industrial growth by pooling resources, encouraging innovation, and stabilizing the economy through collective savings efforts.

Practical Tips for Investors

Understanding New Savings Products

As the French government rolls out new savings options, investors should:

  1. Stay informed about new legislative changes affecting savings accounts.
  2. Consider diverse investment portfolios that include funds from dedicated industrial accounts.
  3. Evaluate how investments align with personal financial goals while supporting national industrial objectives.

Participate in Industrial Growth Initiatives

Investors interested in contributing to France’s industrial revival can:

  • Engage with local businesses by investing in startups focused on innovation.
  • Join community initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable industrial practices.
  • Advocate for policies that bolster funding toward crucial industries.
Savings Account Purpose Target Audience
Livret A Finance social housing and urban renewal General public
LDDS Support energy renovation loans Homeowners
New Industrial Account Support industrial growth and job creation Investors and businesses



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