towards stamped papers –

Edward Sirignano

It is not Conte’s war, but that of the accounts. The five-star fund is the main reason for division between the former Prime Minister and the founder. As Roberto Napolitano writes in an article in the «Giornale», Beppe will soon be gone, but his divorce will have to be well paid. The bone of contention, apart from the facade declarations on the double mandate and the overcoming of the original principles, would be a treasure trove of about two million euros. We are talking about the 2 per thousand revenues for the year 2023 and the contributions given by private individuals and various honorable members.

According to Lorenzo Borrè, the lawyer of the appeals, the one who, for years, has defended the interests of the dissident pentastellati, «the original symbol is Grillo’s, who is also the sole owner of the right to use the name Movimento 5 Stelle. This is stated in a ruling of the Court of Appeal of Genoa in 2021».

Grillo stings Conte to the quick, the pillar he cannot touch: it's war

The current leaders do not think the same way and, on the contrary, are convinced that they belong to an association established in 2017, of which the former prime minister is the only legal representative. The document referred to by the first grillini, for Alfonso Colucci, deputy and current coordinator of the legal area of ​​the M5S, would refer to the legal entity founded in 2012 by the comedian from Genoa, his nephew Enrico and the accountant Enrico Maria Nadasi and not instead to the one presided over by the lawyer from Volturara Appula, founded only five years later by Casaleggio together with Luigi Di Maio. The expert, interviewed by colleagues from Corriere della Sera, even declared himself surprised by Grillo’s position. In his opinion, there would be a constraint or even a technical stratagem, unknown to most, for which it would not be convenient for the Elevated to take legal action: «Grillo, by virtue of specific contractual obligations (covered by confidentiality and which do not refer to the 300 thousand euro contract for communication that the M5S pays him every year) has expressly renounced any dispute relating to the use of both the name and the symbol of the M5S, as modified or modifiable by the Association itself».

Even though Borré, the king of appeals, has been denied, it is not certain that the dispute will end up in the corridors of the courts. The turning point, in this sense, could be that gentleman called Claudio Cominardi. According to recent palace rumors, Conte would like to get rid of him, considering the historical relationship that the treasurer has with Grillo.

Star Wars, Conte's slap to Grillo: No hierarchy. M5s in chaos

At the moment in which the Supreme should feel surrounded and therefore no longer have the men and women of the magic circle that, for better or for worse, even in the worst moments, have allowed him to safeguard his interests, he could resort to the unwelcome, but indispensable, stamped papers. These would certainly slow down the rise of Conte and his colonels, who would find themselves, from one day to the next, with the taps turned off.

The counteroffensive of those of the origins, however, is not over here. According to more than a few simple indiscretions, it is rumored that Beppe is working to give life to an alternative Movement to the one that reigns in the centers of power.

The details are not known, but there are rumors, for example, of an important meeting, held yesterday morning, in a bar in Genoa between Grillo and the never forgotten Alessandro Di Battista, who was in Riva Ligure last afternoon to present his latest book.

#stamped #papers #Tempo
2024-08-24 21:22:12



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