towards a return to the release formula of a new version of the operating system every three years? This is suggested by ongoing developments

Is Microsoft heading for another change in the way it releases major versions of Windows? Towards a Windows 12 in 2024? This is suggested by unofficial developments that the publisher plans to return to a three-year release cycle for Windows. The approach would then follow the adoption of Windows as a service in force since the release of Windows 10 in 2015. The projected changes come to revive the debate of the comparisons between Windows and Linux.

Microsoft moved away from its three-year cycle with the release of Windows 10 in 2015, favoring the idea of ​​Windows as a service. Instead of a big feature launch every three years in a new version of Windows, Windows 10 was updated twice a year with big new features. The publication de Windows 10 May 2019 Update had notably launched the controversy around the installation process conditional on the creation of a Microsoft account. This is one of the reasons why some of the Windows users migrate to Linux.

Reason: they feel more owner of their operating system with Linux. Roughly speaking, if there is one aspect on which Linux seems to outdo Windows, it is that of the management of updates, whether security, applications or the OS kernel. Opinions differ on the matter depending on whether we are dealing with Windows or Linux users.

Since the release of Windows 11 last year, Microsoft has passed an annual update cadence for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Along with the next Windows release in 2024, Microsoft still intends to keep Windows 11 fresh in the coming years. Over the past few months, the software maker has moved away from its original promise of big annual updates for Windows 11, preferring to ship major features as soon as they’re ready. The next major update, 10:22 currently expected for September or October, having recently been finalized by Microsoft.

Microsoft is reportedly dropping plans for an annual 23H2 update in 2023 and will prioritize rolling out new features throughout 2023. This is more in line with Microsoft’s recent changes to its Windows Insider program, with more prototype experiences and functionalities tested on a large scale.

Microsoft has not officially commented on its Windows roadmap plans. The company has redoubled its efforts for Windows over the past two years after the pandemic boosted usage of the operating system. Microsoft originally planned to launch Windows 10X on dual-screen devices, but after declaring “the PC is back” at the start of the pandemic, it reworked Windows 10X into what became Windows 11.

And you?

What has your experience been with managing updates since Windows 10 launched?
How do you welcome the news of the possible return to the formula of releasing a new version of the operating system every three years? What exactly are you expecting?
Have you taken Linux to the test since the release of Windows 10? What are your reasons for encouraging others to migrate to this operating system? What are the reasons you would advise against Linux?

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