Tourism in Brazil reaches the highest revenue since 2015

2023-07-27 19:15:20

The tourism sector in Brazil has been in constant growth in the last semesters, getting stronger each month. According to the Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP) and publication of the Ministry of Tourism, travel market revenues from January to April 2023 reached BRL 73 billion. This represents an increase of 15.8% in relation to the same quarter of the previous year.

These numbers reflect the sector’s best performance since 2015. In April alone, sales reached R$17.6 billion. With challenges in the pricing of itineraries, high demand tends to make it difficult to find more economical and cheap travel in Brazil. Second published on Earththe travel website Guia Viajar Melhor analyzed that the daily price in some Brazilian hotels can increase up to 900% in the New Year’s Eve period.

Despite price instability, the result of the travel industry is positive. “Brazilian tourism remains firm and strong, ready to delight and surprise those who choose to explore our lands”, pointed out the Minister of Tourism, Daniela Carneiro. For her, Brazilian tourism is on the rise and could reach one of the best revenues in its history by the end of the year.

Increase in corporate and leisure travel

According to the publication made by FecomercioSP, both corporate travel and leisure travel showed a notable performance. The airline segment stood out with the highest amount, in the amount of R$ 5.6 billion in April, representing an increase of 18.1% compared to the same month of the previous year.

In the case of business trips, there was a growth of 29% in the first four months of the year, representing 45% of the amount collected in the period. In addition to the airline sector, cultural, recreational and sports activities also showed a positive performance, reaching a value of R$ 1.3 billion, representing a growth of 12.3% in relation to the previous period.

Another sector that contributed to the revenue growth was Food and Accommodation, with an increase of 6.9%, totaling R$ 5.05 billion in the fourth month of this year. The entity predicts that the sector will continue on this positive trajectory due to the prospect of a reduction in inflation, improvement in the job market and an imminent decrease in interest rates.

Airline industry hits record in May

The Brazilian airline industry also registered a record in May 2023, transporting 7.3 million passengers on domestic flights. This number represents the highest registered mark since 2015. Over the first five months of the year, Brazil has already registered 36.6 million travelers.

Os data, released by the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), reveal that the demand for domestic flights showed a significant growth of 7% in May, compared to the same period of 2019, pre-pandemic. In addition, the number of seats increased even more significantly, with a growth of 13.8%.

Expectations of the tourism sector for 2023

In the first four months of 2023 alone, Brazil has already registered the arrival of 2.97 million international travelers, equivalent to 75% of the total number of visitors in all of last year. The data were released by the Ministry of Tourism and the Brazilian Agency for International Tourism Promotion (Embratur).

According to World Travel and Tourism Council Economic Impact Report (WTTC), the sector is playing a significant role in the world economy. In 2022 alone, the Travel and Tourism industry contributed 7.6% to the world’s GDP.

The increase in hiring was also recorded by the report. In the last year alone, in 2022, 22 million new jobs were created in the travel market, which represents an increase of 7.9% compared to the previous year.


#Tourism #Brazil #reaches #highest #revenue

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