Touch ID may not return to iPhone Apple or enhanced Face ID mask unlock

The Twitter account LeaksApplePro specifically revealed Apple insider information. It recently issued a tweet saying that Apple has given up on adding TouchID to the iPhone, and new iPhone models will continue to use Face ID for authentication.

Under the epidemic, Apple’s Face ID function has become useless, and many Apple users have expressed their desire to re-join TouchID. At the end of 2020, Apple obtained a patent in the US Patent and Trademark Office called Shortwave infrared optical imaging technology, which can be used for fingerprint recognition. Because many foreign media and Apple forecasters have pointed out that Apple has a great chance to “return” TouchID.

But according to foreign media reports, Apple has transferred all Touch ID work and resources to the Face ID development team in January this year. After updating the iOS 15.4 beta version launched earlier this month, the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 series models can add Face ID authentication to unlock the phone while wearing a mask.

LeaksApplePro said in Twitter’s personal introduction that it collects reports from Apple employees and discloses the information anonymously.

materialsource:LeaksApplePro Twitterfindbiometrics Mewe pages:

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