Toubab Dialaw Festival of Rhythms and Forms of the World / Le 221, Senegal agenda

Festival / Toubab Dialaw, Yène

The Toubab Dialaw Festival of Rhythms and Forms of the World is a framework for exchanges between local populations and Western tourists.

April 26 to 30

/ Toubab Dialaw

Toubab Dialaw is hosting the eleventh edition of the festival of rhythms and forms of the world which will take place from April 26 to 30, 2023. This multidisciplinary international event takes over the streets and public places to present dance, theater, concert, circus, exhibitions, conferences, Masterclass, etc.

The theme chosen for this 11th edition is: culture and sustainable development.

This great cultural meeting will make Toubab Dialaw known, which covers several villages.

For more information, contact: +221 77 519 55 72

Mail : dialawfestivalrfm


Sobo Bade

Toubab Dialaw

Such. : (221) 33 836 03 56 – 77 699 34 38

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