Toti’s Prolonged Inquiry: Allegations Crumble, Resulting in an Amicable Resolution

Rita Cavallaro

September 14, 2024

Giovanni Toti and that unbearable lightness of being in politics. Which, once again, led him to barter his reasons in front of the appetites of the judiciary, those prosecutors who held him hostage under house arrest for three months and released him only when the governor gave in to the pressure to resign. Those magistrates who had prepared to parade a string of witnesses in court, ready to support the spectre of corruption in that Liguria system that Toti would have set up, placing “his public function at the service of private interests in exchange for utility for himself or others”. The prosecution, in short, was ready to stage the show of the corrupt, to convince justice that the legitimate funding received by the former governor’s Committee was a sort of bribe, the payment of favors and concessions granted to entrepreneurs. Because the linguistic evidence of that system of “pesto gluttons” is all in the recordings of the chatter on the boat, intercepted by the investigators. Thousands and thousands of hours, folders of evidence and an accusatory system capable of making your wrists tremble. And instead the Prosecutor’s Office, incredibly, had to propose a plea bargain to Toti to avoid going to trial.

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The former governor, who has never stopped declaring his innocence and who has been in a media-judicial quagmire since last May, thought it best to accept, thus saving himself the ordeal of our biblical justice system and the media mud that would have been unleashed at every hearing. The trial, already set for next November 5, is therefore skipped, given that Toti, in fact, has closed the agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office, whose proposal expired on September 15, to negotiate a sentence of 2 years and 1 month on the basis of the crimes of improper corruption and violation of the law on party financing. The sentence will be converted into 1,500 hours of community service. The agreement also provides for the confiscation of 84,100 euros, temporary disqualification from holding public office and the inability to contract with public administrations for the duration of the sentence. “A plea bargain does not mean being guilty: an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office means finding a mediation between their accusations that after four years of investigation, wiretaps and shadowing are resolved in something much lower-classified than what we were accused of,” said the former governor, now awaiting ratification of the plea bargain by the preliminary hearing judge, in an interview aired on TgCom24. “All agreements arouse opposite feelings: on the one hand the bitterness of not pursuing our reasons for innocence to the end, on the other the relief of seeing a good part of them recognized,” he added. “Faced with this ending, I believe the real proportion of the facts that occurred and their conclusion appears clear to everyone, which puts an end to the tormented affair that paid for an institution as well as the people involved,” concludes Toti.

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“In the agreement between the prosecutors and the defense of the former governor, the prosecution recognizes that Toti never personally benefited from the sums collected by his political committee, used only for political activities,” explained lawyer Stefano Savi in ​​a note, who specified that “it is also recognized that the documents produced by the public administration were totally legitimate, as were the payments in the form of contributions to political activity. The charges of corruption and other hypotheses of crime with the exception of so-called improper corruption, or for legitimate acts of offices, therefore fall.” Toti was accused of having received from the entrepreneur Aldo Spinelli, “bribes” disguised in the form of electoral funding, in exchange for favors. Like the 40 thousand euro bribe that Spinelli had paid in mid-December 2021 to Toti’s electoral committee, regularly recorded in the balance sheet with the reason for liberal donation. That money, according to the prosecution, would be the payment for the thirty-year concession of the Terminal Rinfuse to the Spinelli group, for which Toti would have put pressure on the Port Committee, thanks to the help of the then president of the Port Authority of Genoa, Paolo Emilio Signorini. Even Signorini, about to end up in the dock with Toti and Spinelli, has agreed to a plea bargain with the Prosecutor’s Office which, in his case, provides for a sentence of three years and five months, a confiscation of approximately 100 thousand euros and a temporary ban from holding public office. Spinelli is instead evaluating whether to accept the plea bargain proposal.

#Toti #endless #investigations #accusation #collapses #agrees #settle #Tempo
2024-09-14 14:31:53


The Unbearable Lightness of Politics: Giovanni Toti ⁣and the Plea Bargain

In a surprising turn of ‍events, former Governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, has accepted a plea bargain with the Prosecutor’s Office, bringing an⁢ end ⁤to the corruption charges that have been plaguing him since May. The agreement has sparked widespread⁢ debate, with many questioning the‌ justice system and the⁣ implications of Toti’s decision.

A Political Career Marred ⁢by⁣ Controversy

Toti’s political career has been marked by controversy, with allegations ⁢of corruption and improper dealings with entrepreneurs. TheProsecutor’s ‍Office​ had been investigating him for ⁣months,‌ gathering evidence ‍and preparing a case⁣ that would⁢ have​ seen Toti on trial for

– What are the implications of Giovanni Toti’s plea bargain for accountability in Italian politics?

The Unbearable Lightness of Being in Politics: Giovanni Toti’s Plea Bargain

Giovanni Toti, the former governor of Liguria, has once again found himself at the center of a political storm. This time, he has opted for a plea bargain to avoid a trial that was set to begin on November 5. The agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office has sparked controversy and raised questions about the integrity of the political system in Italy.

The Charges Against Toti

Toti was accused of improper corruption and violating the law on party financing. The prosecution had prepared a case against him, alleging that he had used his public office to further his own private interests, in exchange for utility for himself or others. The evidence against him was extensive, including thousands of hours of intercepted conversations and a string of witnesses ready to testify in court.

The Plea Bargain

However, in a surprising turn of events, the Prosecutor’s Office proposed a plea bargain to Toti, which he accepted. The agreement means that Toti will be sentenced to 2 years and 1 month, but this will be converted into 1,500 hours of community service. Additionally, he will be subject to confiscation of 84,100 euros, temporary disqualification from holding public office, and the inability to contract with public administrations for the duration of the sentence.

The Controversy Surrounding the Plea Bargain

The plea bargain has raised eyebrows, with many questioning why the prosecution did not push for a trial. The evidence against Toti was reportedly extensive, and the prosecution had been preparing to stage a high-profile trial. The decision to offer a plea bargain has sparked accusations of leniency and favoritism towards Toti.

The Impact on Italian Politics

The Toti case has highlighted the ongoing issues with corruption in Italian politics. The fact that Toti was able to negotiate a plea bargain has raised concerns about the integrity of the system and the ability of politicians to avoid accountability. The case has also sparked calls for reform and greater transparency in politics.

The Bigger Picture

The Toti case is not an isolated incident. Corruption is a pervasive problem in Italian politics, and the case highlights the need for greater accountability and transparency. The fact that Toti was able to negotiate a plea bargain has raised concerns about the fairness of the system and the ability of politicians to escape accountability.


The Toti case is a complex and controversial one, with far-reaching implications for Italian politics. The plea bargain has sparked accusations of leniency and favoritism, and has highlighted the ongoing issues with corruption in the system. As the case continues to unfold, it remains to be seen what impact it will have on the political landscape in Italy.

Optimized Keywords:

Giovanni Toti

Plea bargain

Corruption in Italian politics

Improper corruption

Party financing

Political accountability

Transparency in politics

Meta Tags:

Title: The Unbearable Lightness of Being in Politics: Giovanni Toti’s Plea Bargain

Description: Giovanni Toti, the former governor of Liguria, has opted for a plea bargain to avoid a trial on corruption charges. The agreement has sparked controversy and raised questions about the integrity of the political system in Italy.

Keywords: Giovanni Toti, plea bargain, corruption in Italian politics, improper corruption, party financing, political accountability, transparency in politics



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