Qualcomm changed the nomenclature of its processors in December 2021 with the announcement of Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, which was succeeded by Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen 1 and then by 8 Gen 2, but things might get complex from now on, according to the leaker Yogesh Brar.
Yogesh Brar says that Qualcomm may launch named processors like Snapdragon 7 Gen 2T and Snapdragon 7 Gen 2P, which makes us wonder: which segment are they from? Premium intermediary? Well, it still seems early to guess, but it’s clearly hard to say with the information we have at the moment.
Heard that Qualcomm plans to introduce a multiple SKUs with ‘P’, ‘T’, etc. branding in the Snapdragon CPU family, such as the Snapdragon 7 Gen 2P, 7 Gen 2T
Don’t think they should move forward with this naming scheme, it will just make things more difficult.
What do you think?
— Yogesh Brar (@heyitsyogesh) February 7, 2023
Furthermore, Qualcomm still hasn’t moved away from using the old nomenclature in recent releases like the Snapdragon 782G, which from the name sounds like an old chip, but was announced just 3 months ago as a successor to the Snapdragon 778G Plus, which is also quite confusing. , considering that following the old logic the new name might be Snapdragon 788G Plus.
We hope that Qualcomm manages to better organize the nomenclature of its processors, as this confusion makes it even more difficult for consumers to choose a new cell phone.