Tosei M, which surpassed the original, is an expected work if it is operated well.

– Tree of Savior M Official PV

The mobile hack and slash MMORPG ‘Tree of Savior Mobile (hereinafter referred to as TOS M)’ developed by IMC Games started pre-registration on the 14th. The eyes of many gamers, including fans of the original, were focused on TOS M.

TOS M is a mobile successor to the PC game ‘Tree of Savior’. Many improvements have been made, such as higher graphic quality than the original, smooth character motion, and weather changes. It is currently undergoing the final closed test. Users who have seen the promotional video are highly acclaimed, such as “I’m already looking forward to it”, “I’ve always thought that it suits mobile better than PC”, “I made good use of the original hunting sensibility”, and “Sniping perfect taste”.

Automatic battle is the trend for character development in domestic mobile MMORPGs. Auto-battle is the main focus of TOS M’s training method. However, there was a clear difference between other games and combat methods. It emphasized the charm of hack and slash, which can quickly subdue multiple enemies. The fusion of auto-battle and hack-and-slash is a rare combination. I wondered how well I could melt it.

– Improvements in physics simulation have made the existing unnatural motion smooth.

- Adjusted monster placement and increased the number of monsters to further emphasize hack & slash

– Adjusted monster placement and increased the number of monsters to further emphasize hack & slash

- The fast-tempo battle gives a clear sense of speed.

– The fast-tempo battle gives a clear sense of speed.

After the first CBT, there was an overall change in the combat system. The first change is physics simulation improvements. The unnatural character movements were softened by changing from 2D frame motion method that intentionally stops motion or skips frame to give a fairy tale feeling to full key frame animation.

The second is to improve the skill composition and battle style suitable for the hack and slash genre. In the CBT version, there was a single specialized class and a wide specialized class to differentiate the fighting styles for each class. In the case of a single specialized class, it was difficult to get the cool feeling of the hack and slash genre that wipes out a large number of monsters because there are many skills that are used for one person.

The problem is that you can feel the coolness and speed of the hack and slash genre by changing the overall skill composition to a wide area or adding characteristics. In addition, the range of wide-area skills, which had a narrow range, was adjusted to a wider range, and the target number of wide-area skills was removed. By increasing the number of field monsters and reducing the respawn speed, the hack and slash feature was further emphasized.

- Various main contents are waiting for users

– Various main contents are waiting for users

- 'Housing Farm' where you can grow various vegetables

– ‘Housing Farm’ where you can grow various vegetables

- 'Housing Barrack' that makes you think about how to decorate your house

– ‘Housing Barrack’ that makes you think about how to decorate your house

TOS M also had very diverse contents. ‘Memories Stone’ to get equipment crafting materials, ‘Convent’ to get characteristic growth materials, ‘Silver Temple’ to fill in insufficient silver, ‘Tower of Earth’, one-time challenge content ‘Tower of Earth’, ‘Ominous Ruins’ to get a lot of experience, rare There is a high-level party dungeon ‘Altar of the Blasphemers’ where you can aim for one item.

The fun of farming is one of the most important elements in MMORPGs. The ‘Altar of the Blasphemers’, where you can target rare items among various contents, caught your eye. In particular, the blasphemous secret room is the most difficult party dungeon that requires the highest specifications among the Altar of Desecrates. Up to 4 people can enter, and the number of resurrections within the dungeon (shared with the party) is provided 8 times. It is expected that it will be able to satisfy the users’ desire for a challenge in line with its reputation as the highest level of difficulty.

The housing contents stimulated emotions. Since the barrack (house) he decorated is the background of the character selection window, he is already thinking about how to decorate it. Farms can grow vegetables or raise animals to make a variety of dishes. There is also a function to receive various buffs by decorating weapons and armor on the housing-only dispatch mission or decoration stand, so continuous management is required.

'TOS M', which surpassed the original, is a highly anticipated work if operated well

'TOS M', which surpassed the original, is a highly anticipated work if operated well

The heat problem, which was discussed the most in the first test, was also at the center of controversy in the second test. Mobile MMORPG, whose main content is automatic hunting, is more sensitive to heat. This is because the smartphone has to be turned on for a long time to develop the character. If the heat continues, the smartphone may be throttled, which may lead to a decrease in performance, rapid battery consumption, and even a game stoppage. As the release date approaches, the heat issue is the first priority to be solved.

Anxiety through the experience of the original story cannot be overlooked. The original game was a game that received high expectations from users at the time of its release. However, as bugs occurred in a chain, it was called ‘the pronoun of bugs’ or ‘a game of bad luck’, and the speed of fixing them was also slow, causing disappointment to users. Currently, Toose M opens a server to users who participated in the test after the CBT is over and is actively reviewing various bug reports and suggestions for improvement.

The release date of TOS M has not yet been set. Users waiting for the official opening said, “Please tell me the release date”, “I’ve been waiting for a long time”, “I envy users who are still enjoying the test”, “I think it’s time to prepare”, “Let’s have fun this time”, ” TOS, fighting”, etc.

TOS’s cute characters and fairy tale world-like graphics are stimulating points that arouse users’ interest. As the reporter enjoyed the original for a long time, he is looking forward to the official opening of TOSE M. However, as I mentioned earlier, when I enjoyed the original game, I did not feel the fun enough because my acquaintances left quickly due to various bugs.

Byung-gyu Koo, Reporter at Game Talk

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