Torrential Downpour Turns Roads into Waterways, Prompting Parents to Shuttle Kids to School Bus Stops

Trouble – when it caused the plot

Irena says that she doesn’t know where to turn anymore – the town hall is unable to help, and she is only waiting for an apology from the Vilnius municipality for the inconveniences she is experiencing.

“I want to show how we live, the way children go to and from school. We live in Vaidotoų st., Paneriai district, Vilnius.

All the trouble started when the owner of one plot decided to raise his plot, he brought soil. Now all the water is running on the road. Maybe the road workers did not do everything when building the road. So for the last two years, in spring and autumn after rain or when the snow melts, the road is flooded with water.

The kids can’t walk safely to the bus stops and home from school by themselves because they just don’t cross that “lake”, we have to drive them and pick them up every morning, even though it’s only 600 meters from the house. It’s really funny to the point of tears that we have to carry so much with the car”, complained Irena.

All the trouble started when the owner of one plot decided to raise his plot, he brought soil. Now the water is running on the road.

This intersection, which is not always possible to overcome on foot, is located at the intersection of Jaunystės and Plikakalnis streets.

Sewage wells are needed

Irena says that she called the amelioration workers, who pointed out that the amelioration system was damaged somewhere, so it is necessary to build three wells in the quarter, each of which costs 3 thousand. euros.

Residents of one street jointly installed such a well, but Irena says that she cannot pay that much alone, and the problem seems to be irrelevant to the neighbors – they either live without children, or the children are grown up and all have children.

15min photo of reader Irena/Jaunystės ir Plikakalnio str. intersection

“No one wants to get involved. Of course, you can go another way to the next stop, but then the distance is more than a kilometer, the road is unlit, unpaved.

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#cross #street #turns #lake #rain #parents #children #bus #car
2024-09-07 21:39:05

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related⁣ question for‌ the title​ **”Flooding Woes ‌in Vilnius: A ‍Long-Running Issue”**:

Flooding Woes ‍in‍ Vilnius: A‌ Long-Running⁢ Issue

Vilnius, the capital city of ​Lithuania, has been grappling with flooding issues for quite some time now. Recent reports suggest that the city is still struggling to find a permanent ⁢solution to this​ problem. In this article, we ⁣will delve ​into the causes and consequences of flooding‍ in Vilnius and explore possible solutions.

The Trouble Began with a Raised Plot

According to Irena, a resident of the Vilnius ⁢district, the trouble began when the owner of a nearby plot decided to raise his plot by​ bringing in soil. This seemingly‍ innocuous decision⁤ led to water flowing onto the road, causing flooding issues in the area. Irena claimed that the road workers​ may not have done everything correctly when building the road, which has exacerbated the problem.

For the past two years, the road has ⁤been flooded with water during spring and autumn after rain or when the snow⁣ melts. This has made it impossible ​for children to walk safely to the bus stops and home from school, forcing⁣ parents to drive them and pick them up every ​morning. The situation has become⁣ so dire that Irena is now seeking an ⁣apology ‌from the Vilnius municipality for the inconvenience caused.

Sewage Wells: A Possible Solution?

Irena contacted the amelioration workers, who pointed out that the ⁣amelioration system was damaged somewhere and that three‌ wells in ⁣the quarter, each‍ costing 3,000 euros, were needed to solve the ‍issue. While residents of one street jointly installed such a well, Irena claimed that she cannot afford to⁣ pay that much alone and that the problem seems irrelevant to her neighbors, ⁢who either‌ live without children or have grown-up children.

A Historical Issue

Flooding is not ‍a new issue in ​Vilnius. In fact,⁣ Lithuania ⁣has ‍been experiencing a severe drought in recent years, with Vilnius being one of⁣ the areas most affected ⁣ [1]. The​ drought has led to other environmental concerns, including toxic particles in the air. This​ highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to address the city’s environmental woes.

Urban Flood⁤ Hazard

According to ThinkHazard, a website that ⁣provides disaster ‍risk information,⁤ urban flood hazard in Vilnius is classified as very low based on modeled flood information currently ‌available [2]. ‌However, ‍this does not take away from the fact that ‌flooding is a ‌real‍ issue in the city, which has been experienced firsthand by residents like Irena.

Residents’ Frustation

Residents of the Vilnius​ district have been expressing their ‌frustration over the flooding issue for some time now.⁢ In fact, a ⁢resident of the district expressed⁣ outrage over the situation, calling for a solution to the problem of flooded roads near Avižienių [3].


Flooding⁢ is a complex issue that requires​ a multifaceted approach. While sewage wells may be ‌a possible solution to the problem, it ⁤is‍ essential to address the root causes of​ the issue, including the lack of ⁣proper infrastructure and environmental degradation. The municipality must take a proactive role in resolving this issue and providing relief⁣ to residents who have been affected by flooding. Until then, residents like Irena⁣ will continue to suffer the consequences of inaction.

Word ⁢count:⁣ 550

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title: **Flooding Woes in Vilnius: A Long-Running Issue**

Flooding Woes in Vilnius: A Long-Running Issue

Table of Contents

  1. Trouble – when it caused the plot
  2. Sewage wells are needed
  3. Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title “Flooding Woes in Vilnius: A Long-Running Issue”

Trouble – when it caused the plot

Irena, a resident of Vilnius, is experiencing flooding woes in her neighborhood. The trouble started when the owner of one plot decided to raise his plot, bringing in soil that has caused water to run onto the road. This has resulted in the road being flooded with water, especially during spring and autumn after rain or when the snow melts. The kids in the area can’t walk safely to the bus stops and home from school by themselves, as they have to cross a “lake” of water on the road.

Sewage wells are needed

Irena called the amelioration workers, who pointed out that the amelioration system was damaged somewhere, and it is necessary to build three wells in the quarter, each costing 3 thousand euros. However, Irena cannot afford to pay that much alone, and the problem seems to be irrelevant to her neighbors, who either live without children or have grown-up children.

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title “Flooding Woes in Vilnius: A Long-Running Issue”

Is Vilnius prone to flooding?

Answer: Yes, Vilnius is prone to flooding. According to a study [2[2], Vilnius has a large area with a flood regulation supply, especially in the northeast and southern areas. The areas with high flood risk are mainly located in low-



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