Toriq Hidayat Criticizes NIK-Based Commuter Line Subsidy Plan, Highlights Complexity and Privacy Risks

Member of Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Toriq Hidayat, criticized the plan to use NIK as the basis for providing subsidies for the Jabodetabek Commuter Line. (MI/Agung Wibowo)

MEMBER of Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives Toriq Hidayat criticized the plan to subsidize the Jabodetabek Commuter Line using the Population Identification Number (NIK). The scheme is considered to have the potential to cause problems that are detrimental to Commuter Line users.

“The use of NIK can add complexity to the implementation of the subsidy scheme. According to him, a complicated verification system and errors in NIK data can hinder public access to subsidies,” Toriq explained in a written statement in Jakarta, Sunday (1/9).

The PKS Faction politician is concerned about the privacy and data security risks in implementing this scheme. The use of sensitive NIK data could potentially be misused or leaked, which would harm the public.

“In addition, we consider that the NIK-based subsidy scheme may not be flexible enough to capture the socio-economic dynamics of society. Changes in the economic conditions of society can make subsidies uneven and widen social inequality in Jabodetabek,” he said.

To overcome these problems, Toriq proposed several steps that are considered more effective. First, the integration of subsidy schemes with social welfare data, such as Bansos or PKH, so that subsidies are more targeted.

“Others, the implementation of more equitable income-based subsidies and strengthening digital infrastructure and verification systems. We just want to make sure that subsidies can be accessed efficiently and safely by people in need,” Toriq concluded.

As conveyed by the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation, regarding the scheme for providing subsidies for the Jabodetabek Commuter Line using the Population Identification Number (NIK) which will begin in 2025. (Z-3)

#Toriq #Hidayat #Criticizes #NIKBased #Commuter #Line #Subsidy #Plan #Highlights #Complexity #Privacy #Risks



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