Tore Strømøy finished in NRK

Tore Strømøy finished in NRK

Since 2013, Tore Strømøy has had a contractor contract with NRK. On Monday, the parties agreed to end this, writes NRK in a statement to NTB.

– Tore Strømøy has been an important profile for NRK with great popular appeal. Now it was right to end the collaboration, says regional editor Eivind Undrum Jacobsen in NRK Midt.

District director Marius Lillelien thanks Strømøy for his efforts over many years at NRK.

– For over 30 years, he has left his mark with many public successes. We wish him the best of luck going forward, says Lillelien.

NTB has been in contact with Strømøy, who refers to regional editor Jacobsen.

– No further comment

Adresseavisen contacted Eivind Undrum Jacobsen, who referred to NRK’s ​​press service.

– We have spoken, and as of now we have no further comments, says Ellen Sporstøl, press manager at NRK.

Adresseavisen has also tried to contact Tore Strømøy, but has so far been unsuccessful.

Teddy bear and royal house radio

Last week, the NRK management stopped a radio program Strømøy had planned, where callers call in and discuss current issues. The theme was meant to be the ongoing noise around the royal house.

Strømøy himself clarified opposite Media24 that the topic was not intended to be the investigation of the Høiby case, but the surrounding noise itself.

Last autumn, NRK showed the documentary series “Ingen elsker Bamsegutt”. In the series, presenter Strømøy tells about a man on disability benefits with a Filipino wife and their son. The family did not make it home from the Philippines because of trouble with the Norwegian authorities.

It eventually became known that the man had a morals conviction against him from 1991, and that NRK knew about this, but that they deliberately omitted the information from the series. NRK ended up withdrawing the series, which was later rejected by Pressens Faglige Utvalg (PFU) on several points.

Long NRK career

Strømøy has worked at NRK since 1986, when he was employed at NRK Trøndelag as a radio reporter.

Strømøy is probably best known for the popular TV program “Tore på sporet”, which aired on Norwegian TV screens for a number of years. There, people who had lost contact with family members for various reasons were reunited.

He has been named “TV name of the year” in 1996, 1997 and 2000. So since 2013, he has not been a permanent employee at NRK, but has had a contractor contract.

#Tore #Strømøy #finished #NRK
2024-08-27 12:09:15



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